Getting better…

Soooo…. PP ‘gifts’ me with a balloon…get well

After she withholds my coffee…

She’s headed back to her family, and probably glad to be rid of me at this point. I know I’ve been a ‘tad’ grumpy the last few days.

But I really appreciated her being here… You never realize how truly helpless you are, until a leg is down and you’re stuck on crutches. You can’t carry anything, can’t do all those ‘normal’ things, like making coffee, etc… All those things one doesn’t think about.

We chatted about how she’d felt after her hip surgery, and how much of a PITA it was. Now I see what she was talking about. Simple things like putting dishes away, silverware, etc.

But I start therapy tomorrow, with my ‘favorite’ Marquis de Sade disciple… I really think she ‘enjoys’ pain, as long as it’s mine… Sigh…

But as many of y’all have told me, the PT is the critical part to a full recovery, so I will do it (whining and crying all the way). 🙂

Thanks for all the good thoughts, they are appreciated. Now that I’m pretty much off the drugs, I’ll be getting back to writing on the book.


Getting better… — 20 Comments

  1. … nevermind getting in and out of a compact car too … :^)

    Feel better sir, remember what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger !

  2. Hey Old NFO;

    No Pain…No Gain…..That which don’t kill’s you…Makes you stronger…as long as they don’t restrict your coffee…you will survive….and in the long run…you will be glad.

  3. Well, your upcoming physical therapy can add some more color to your Grey Man characters travails.
    Hope your knee heals quickly and you’re quickly unassisted on both feet.

  4. “But I start therapy tomorrow, with my ‘favorite’ Marquis de Sade disciple… I really think she ‘enjoys’ pain, as long as it’s mine… Sigh…”

    I think I met her twin sister. Was not fun.

  5. I hear you about the therapy.
    I will never forget being told to pedal the stationary bike about three days after knee replacement.
    My thought was are you nucking futs.

  6. My first knee operation was on my left knee years ago. At the time I drove a truck with a manual transmission. For weeks afterwards shifting gears was a giant PITA.

    You are very fortunate to have someone who puts up with your pouting is willing to help you out at times like this. 🙂

    Good luck with your recovery!

  7. Therapy is important to recovery. Its also helpful for perspective: You’ll see many there worse off than you – stroke/car crash survivors, for example. Gave me pause.

  8. Mrs. C- Thanks!

    WN- Me too!

    Sam- Yeah, but it IS for a good reason, getting me back on my pins!

    Rick- I’m dreading that…

    Tim- Damn… Glad I’m not driving a stick! Didn’t think about that!!! Ouch!

    Brian- Yes, it is humbling… And tells me how lucky I really am!

  9. If I was still in Wyoming, I would tell you to cowboy up. I’m not sure what they say in Indiana…maybe pass me the corn?

  10. And strangely, there seems to be a very high pollen count at PT.

    After some rotator cuff repairs I know that PT is never going to be my favorite place, but truly, there is going to be some pain to get the gain. The difficult part (and especially in the more mature patient) is making sure that PT does more good than harm.

  11. Cp- Yeah, yeah… 🙂

    Rev- One hopes!

    Fargo- 😛 TWICE!!! 🙂

    John- Yeah, it’s a fine line.

  12. Randy- THanks!

    WSF- No, go ahead and get it done NOW, then go through the recovery, THEN FEEL BETTER!!! The pain in the short term is worth it for the long term gain, IMHO.