Well, well, well…

BO is once again spewing blame hither and yon…

President Obama on Tuesday dismissed the notion that he is seeking to take away people’s firearms as he delivered his latest call for stronger gun laws. 

Speaking to police chiefs in Chicago, Obama sought to rebut the argument made by conservatives, which he said is designed to stoke fear.

Before his speech, Obama met with the spouses and children of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, as well as families of bystander victims of gun violence in Chicago, the White House said. 

“I refuse to accept the notion that we couldn’t have prevented some of those murders, and suicides and kept more families whole,” the president said. 

From The Hill Blog- HERE.

He’s more or less promising executive orders to ‘deal’ with the issue, since all his gun control packages have died a quick death under the scrutiny of Congress…

From the NRA, Wayne LaPierre calls out Obama in the video HERE

“He (Obama) has all the laws he needs to stop the bloodshed now. Under the existing federal gun laws, he could take every felon with a gun, drug dealer with a gun and criminal gangbanger with a gun off the streets tomorrow and lock them up for five years or more. But he won’t do it, his justice department won’t do it, and the media never asks why.”

“The NRA has demanded the strongest possible prosecution of the federal gun laws for over 20 years. Our repeated calls have been met by deafening silence from Washington’s elites. President Obama and Hillary Clinton and other politicians use the carnage to campaign for more gun laws “they won’t and don’t enforce.”

Here are some ‘facts’… Ironic facts considering BO’s stance…


  • In 2010, federally-conducted NICS checks denied 72,659 transactions. As a result of NICS denials occurring in 2010, BATFE referred a total 62 charges against 33 individuals to federal prosecutors.

So what happened to the OTHER 72,597? Crickets…

  • According to The Chicago Sun-Times, felons in Chicago who illegally possess a gun typically receive a four-year sentence – a penalty on the low end of the state sentencing guidelines. In addition to lax sentencing, most people convicted of these gun crimes serve less than half of their prison terms, allowing them to return to criminal behavior. About a third of people charged with simple gun possession and about half charged with being a felon in possession of a gun in 2012 were rearrested for another crime by the end of 2013. Those charged with simple gun possession had an average of four prior arrests,while those charged with gun possession by a felon had an average of 10 prior arrests. Police have made 12,967 arrests since 2000, yet city attorneys have won just 2,068 convictions.

Again, where are the convictions? And what happened to the other 10,000+? Back on the streets???

  • Turning to the Chicago Police Department’s 2011 Chicago murder analysis, one might be surprised to learn that nearly nine in 10 murder suspects have criminal records. That’s right – 90 percent of the murders committed in Chicago involve a suspected perpetrator with a criminal history.

Is anyone surprised by this? Bad guys doing bad things and ignoring laws… Sigh…


Well, well, well… — 17 Comments

  1. Barack hates the police. Always has and always will. I don’t know if he hates them more than he hates the people in fly-over country or not. That would be an interesting interrogation question if he is ever brought to justice for high crimes and misdemeanors — very unlikely at this point.

    I find it fascinating that the Obama Administration asserted executive privilege over 10,000 Fast and Furious documents and still has not released them to Congress… it’s telling. It will be more telling if Hillary is not elected and somebody like Ted Cruz takes the Oval Office.

  2. LL- And don’t forget how much he hates the military, it takes $$ away from his precious entitlement programs!

    • I think that he would like to like the military if only they would give up their senseless clinging to God and Guns…embrace HIM as god, bury their traditional notions of heterosexuality (maybe all of them take the Bruce Jenner Challenge?) and accept the struggle against the weather as their central reason for being. Is that too much to ask?

  3. “Bad guys doing bad things and ignoring laws.”

    Yep; it’s what they do. Of course, that description now has to include the various government agencies and officials who selectively ignore – and occasionally unequally enforce – the laws.

  4. Mullah Obama said he isn’t looking to take our guns. Bullshit!!
    He would scale the outside of the Washington Monument without climbing gear to lie to us, rather stand on the ground to tell the truth – about anything. And Hillary is no better. She is worse – if that is even possible.

  5. Keep in mind, no one was push for Fresh Gun Control Laws (except for the Usual Suspects like Bloomberg) until Hillary opened her Mouth about it a few weeks ago.

    And since damned near every Poll about the Democommie Nomination has Hillary beating ALL of her Opponents by at least 2-1 (NOT the General Election, just the so-called Demcommie Primaries), you can pretty much bet that the Politburo Policy will be what Comrade Clinton has Decreed.

    AND since she is willing to even try CONFISCATION if she gets in power, of course the rest of the Party will “Suddenly” discover that “The American Peasants WANT to have their RKBA Trashed! Fake Polls and Junk Studies prove it!”

    And of course Obummer will help the Party out. After all, some of the Crap he pulled still has LONG Statues of Limitations, and the Dems are really sweating someone like Cruz or Carson or the Donald winning the White House and taking Law Obstruction,…errr “Enforcement” away from them.

    So expect Gun Control to be pushed HARD this Election Cycle.

  6. Strange how crime rates went down years ago in areas that pushed Project Exile. Is it racist to point out that crime has gone down while the rate of incarceration has gone up? Guess I’m too dumb to understand the Narrative.

  7. Ed- That it does, they figure if they beat the drums loud enough, they will drown out our facts.

    WSF- Of course it is… We’re bitter clingers, we can’t ‘understand’ what they are telling us to do… sigh

  8. Hey Old NFO;

    It is purely confiscation by imperial fiat if they could do what they want. I saw an article on a blog here in Georgia that the writer and he made some real good points. And I apologize for the long cut and paste on the comments…

    Polling data for her comments must not have gone over so well.

    Best I can tell, Hillary Clinton hasn’t repeated her openness to gun confiscation through an Australian style gun buy back program at subsequent campaign events.

    But, let’s back up and review what she said when asked about such a program at a campaign town hall about a week ago:

    “By offering to buy back those guns, they were able to curtail the supply, and to set a different standard for gun purchases in the future. Now, communities have done that in our country, several communities have done gun buy back programs. But I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level if that could be arranged. ”

    Clinton seemed sure and concise as she made her comments. She didn’t strike me as speaking off-the-cuff.

    As Don was reviewing Clinton’s comments near the end of last week’s Don and Doug program, it struck me that the gun buy back might well get some traction under a Clinton or some other anti-gun regime. Perhaps not on a national scale, but a federal program offering up hefty monetary grants might be used as a life-line to assist those states that overreached on gun control laws, and have thus far been unable or unwilling to forcefully bring non-compliant gun owners into compliance.

    It’s estimated hundreds of thousands of residents in Connecticut and New York remain in possession of unregistered “assault weapons” or outlawed “high capacity” detachable firearm magazines. That’s way too many for a handful of cops to try kicking down doors as a means to confiscate guns now deemed illegal or subject to mandatory registration.

    But if the federal government came along and offered or assisted with an optional gun buy back in states with gun laws now facing massive non-compliance, and some of the current resistors got in line to sell their guns, those states might finally be able to generate a sense that resisting gun owners have finally warmed to the states’ anti-gun legislation.

    Put enough money on the table, and offer up amnesty as part of the deal, and there will be takers.

    Sure, not everyone holding onto an state-declared “illegal” weapon would comply, but the number of strong hands holding guns would likely diminish if the price paid per weapon was significant, perhaps even above what market price would be in non-restricted states.

    Such a ploy might give would-be gun-grabber politicians a win on a couple of levels. First and foremost, it would give anti-gun politicians and bureaucrats in Connecticut and New York a means to finally begin wresting away those guns they’ve feared going after the past two and and a half years.

    Once those guns are out of circulation, otherwise law abiding “sellers” would have no means to replenish supply once present home inventories are depleted.

    Secondly, if successful in New York and Connecticut (or at least successful enough for gun-grabbers to claim success), state-by-state buy backs could become a model or incentive for other states that pass tighter restrictions on gun ownership.

    The addition of financial incentives to those who surrender guns might be enough to get the state-by-state gun control strategy back on the march.

    I’m opposed to the kinds of restrictive gun laws passed in places like New York and Connecticut, nor am I advocating any kind of buy back confiscation scheme. I also doubt a so-called buy back would bring full compliance.

    But I am attempting to assess what Hillary Clinton, and those aligned with her, might be hinting at as a means to get the gun control game back in play after suffering setbacks because of overreach a couple years back. Attempting to take anti-gun tyranny and wrapping it in a softer package with financial incentives to make confiscation appear voluntary might be the next move for the would-be gun-grabbers.

    I also suspect the political left, after wins on things like Obamacare and gay marriage, may think they finally have the political clout to go after guns in new and bigger ways. I also suspect they underestimate the resolve of many American gun owners who were raised under a Bill of Rights that distinctly articulates our God given right to keep and bear arms.

  9. Hey Old NfO

    This is from “www.radioshownotes.com. The blogger name is “Doug”

    btw hope your knee feels better soon.