
First day back at work… I’m just going to say NOT FUN and leave it at that…

Not saying it’s swollen or anything…

knee 2

But I made it through the day… Now for a little ice…

knee 1

It was actually nice to be back at work, and having human interaction…

As soon as this was done, I had a different kind of ice in a little liquid ‘refreshment’…

Thanks to those who’ve emailed me, called me and messaged me. It’s appreciated!

In other news, if you’re down around Oak Ridge, TN, Dennis (Dragon Leatherworks) is having free food on Veteran’s Day for any Veterans!

Come hang out with us on Veteran’s Day!

Dragon Leatherworks, a veteran-owned gun store on the west end of Oak Ridge, is hosting any local veterans who just want to hang out and shoot the breeze for a while with Brothers in Arms! There are so many awesome men and women in the area who have served their country honorably, and we would love to get to know you better! We’re in the Four Oaks Center, and will bring in some pizzas, soda and munchies to share between noon and 7:30pm.

If he was only a little closer… sigh


Meh… — 16 Comments

  1. At least you are up, around and OUT OF THE HOUSE – I was on surgical medical leave for five weeks and was bored out of my mind ! It was good to be back at work – I like my job.

    Hope you feel better soon – just think of the better mobility you will have after this is put behind you.

  2. Ed- Yeah, ME… Remotely… sigh

    Hymie- Aye Aye, sir! 🙂

    Rick- Trying not to…

    Mrs.C- Umm… No help here… LOL

    gfa- Hopefully! 🙂

  3. Heh. Maybe I should stock up on beer and fill the freezer with mugs – I just got a referral to an orthopedic surgeon due to my own gimpy knee.

  4. DAMN! And you’re still going to WORK? Most of today’s generation would have called in sick for a month. I hope that those folks that you’re working for realize how lucky that they’ve been to have you all these years. And I hope that knee starts feeling better quick.

  5. Aint seen that much white meat since Thanksgiving!

    Glad your up and about.