One step at a time…

Got my new plates today, and OLDNFO will ride again… 🙂

So if you see a white Yukon with those plates, that’s me!

On a different front, got the ‘correct’ copy of my DD-214, which does show an ‘honorable’ retirement in block 24.  Resubmitted for a Veteran’s DL designation (again) and this time they apparently will grant it.

Had an interesting chat with the DL person about why they don’t print them locally… It’s all tied up in being a border state and preventing ‘fraud’.

I stopped on the way home to get gas, and there must have been 50 people in line to buy Powerball tickets… Tonight might be interesting…LOL

And the sailors ‘captured’ by the Iranians have been released, after Kerry ‘thanked’ them for ‘cooperating’ and their quick response… Something just isn’t right with this, starting with what the hell was the ROE that prevented the sailors from defending themselves???


One step at a time… — 14 Comments

  1. It seems that things are beginning to come together and settle down…allowing you time to get back and write more. And naturally, spend time at the range. All that is good.

  2. I would hate to be one of those crew members held by the Iranians. The hazing and questions they will get… especially the female. They made her wear a head garb, for Christ sake. She didn’t look too happy, either. “When in Rome…” Bullshit!

  3. Wife asked, “What will happen to that Skipper?”
    “His career is OVER”, was my reply.
    And then I wondered… what if this was a test to see how the ragheads would react? Why would we do that?
    Carter brought about Reagan.
    Sadly, I don’t think Reagan has a chance today.
    Glad you got your 214 issue cleared up!

  4. Seconded, re: your DD214!

    Yeah, I bought two PB tickets last week and again this week – first time in years!
    Nary ONE number appeared…
    “If you don’t play, you can’t win!:
    Not that I had an real expectations…


  5. I would say there was at least three GPS units on each boat plus a chart recorder. No way in hell they were off course. I wonder about the ROE also and if this was a test.

  6. I’m impressed that you got such a quick turnaround on the ‘correct’ DD-214. That’s not the government efficiency I’m familiar with.

    And yeah, something is screwy about that whole Navy/Iran thing…

  7. Ditto, re: the multiple GPS trackers on-board. No way they “inadvertently” drifted into territorial waters. If they were that close, it was deliberate. Some Progressive bootlicker is behind this one.

  8. Why didn’t they have any comms?
    Why were they 50 miles off course?
    Why did no one see them in one of the busiest bodies of water in the world?

    There’s more to this than is being told.

  9. Maybe any naval and air assets deployed in that area need a compact INS (laser interferometry?) box to sanity check the GPS in case of spoofing.

  10. Didn’t Kerry say something about asking the Iranians for help? Can’t help but wonder if something had been planted on the boat(s) for the Iranians to pick up. I can’t fathom any other reason the soldiers were released so quickly.

  11. All- There pretty much HAS to be more to this… Now the stories are changing almost hour by hour…

    Thanks fo rthe comments.

    Posted from my iPhone.

  12. I’m sure the “understanding” reached by Teh 0ne and Kerry (who served in Viet-Nam!) with the Iranians require a monthly act of contrition. This was January’s.