I know what I need to invent…

A Lexan screen protector that one puts in front of the TV with a collector and drain package…

That way when the crapola on TV gets too much, you can throw your beer or beverage of your choice at the TV without damaging it…


BO’s speech was meh… Accomplishments my ass… Disjointed as hell, disconnected, and obviously denial is NOT just a river in Egypt! Not a single mention of any of the terrorist attacks last year, nor the TEN US Navy sailors the Iranians captured today, nor the four Americans the Iranians still hold… Really???

It was interesting that he ‘named’ Trump as the bogey man without actually saying his name. Pandering to his base throughout the speech was what came across.

It was interesting watching the USSS detail trying to get him out of the hall. They were watching EVERYWHERE, and you could tell they wanted him moving, not stopping to chat and sign autographs.


I know what I need to invent… — 18 Comments

  1. Ah, you missed out on one of the last Obama ‘drinking game’ opportunities, here are the rules in case you have another chance.


    Then again, with the mention of the Lexan screen protector, maybe not. :^)

    Hang in there, regime change is coming soon 1

  2. You invent it and I will be first in line to buy one…make that two…one for each TV.

    I told my honey not to watch if it is going to raise his blood pressure that much, watch something else on cable. We already knew what was going to be said from all the ‘sneak peeks’ that had been going on all day.

    I can’t wait until next January when we have someone else in office!!


  3. I just could not make myself watch him. The BP wouldn’t allow it. But from the snippets I’ve seen, I think I made the right choice. He lies and distorts everything. And he would never mention anything that even remotely look like a failure (Terrorists attacks, Navy losing two boats and crew, worst economy since the 30’s, etc.) But is one admission was the he was unable to close the divide between the isles… when he caused it to begin with. What really scares me is there is much more he can do before the elections. God help us all.

  4. I stopped listening to politicians. Since I did that, my stress levels have gone way down.

  5. It was his last one, and he can check that block off his punch list. I didn’t listen to it, but I never do. The SOTU is generally a national embarrassment lately.

    I did notice that this past SOTU hand a remarkable resemblance to Jimmah Carter’s last one, in that Americans were being held hostage as the man spoke. It’s yet another way that we can tie his legacy to Carter’s.

  6. “….you could tell they wanted him moving, not stopping to chat and sign autographs.”

    Don’t we all. (Had to work so I missed the pain and suffering)

  7. You’re a better man than I am to listen to Old Blue Gums. I can’t tolerate his narcissistic banter and arrogant blaming. He’s an incompetent fool. And the public sees that, which is why he went from Democratic Party supermajorities in both houses of congress to Republican Party majorities during his reign.

    There is NOBODY (not Dems, not Reps) who will continue his “legacy”.

    I don’t know if you were aware of his serious and strident efforts to be named UN Secretary General? Check that out if you want even more reasons to throw vegetables and beer cans at the TV.

  8. Will that TV screen protector also act as a ballistic shield? Asking for a friend.

  9. We haven’t watched a SOTU speech since they became speeches, rather than a report to the American people on what was going on at the time. Yes, he has become one with the Georgia peanut farmer, although that might not be fair to Jimmy Carter. Carter was only incompetent; this guy’s deliberately sabotaging everything he can touch.

  10. You do know that retirement is not the same as self-abuse, right?

    From the snippets I’ve heard today the RINO response was worse in that there are dozens of failures they could have enumerated but they chose to take slaps at Trump and Cruz instead. Another angry letter going out to the RNC this week…

  11. All- Thanks for the comments… And no, not ballistically safe…But that would be a thought… Sigh…

    Posted from my iPhone.