House vs. home…

Thanks to Phelgmmy, JennDot, Peter, and Michael pictures are up!!!

It did ‘task’ design sense to ‘place’ the random artwork I’ve collected over the years, but they really made it work, and my thanks goes out to them…

Pictures up 1 pictures up 2 Pictures up 3 Pictures up 4 Pictures up 6

And I paid my debt too!


Steaks, baked potatoes ah la Lawdog, Caprese, and home made Pecan pie for dessert…

Nobody went away hungry. 🙂


House vs. home… — 20 Comments

  1. Looks very nice.

    After looking at your food photo, today’s breakfast plan is just not as appetizing as it was a few seconds ago.

    And are those popcorn ceilings?

  2. Excellent! Just excellent!

    I don’t have the decorator’s touch to any extent.

    But one of my friends does, so I periodically invite her, a professional artist, to come here to help me — for pay, of course — to spruce up this old house.

    I just love what she’s done with all the many items that Mr. AOW and I have accumulated over the past 43 years.

    This year, she helped me decorate for Christmas. Award winning look, I tell you.

    Continue to make your house a home — and enjoy that home, NFO.

  3. It seems that everything is settling in and becoming normal rather than challenging. It’s the little things that make a house into a home.

  4. Has LawDog quit blogging? He lead me to your blog and I enjoy reading both daily…

  5. Dang it, OldNFO. I really don’t have an excuse to not hang up my “iluvme” box if you have your’s up.

    Glad you’re settling in. That means writing ops should commence shortly, right?

  6. Turning a house into a comfortable home. Looks like the helpers were well compensated for their assistance.

  7. OK, now I’m jealous, you have both books put away on bookcases and pictures hung! It’s good to have friends!! 🙂

    So…after some range time…is writing next on the to-do list?


  8. Nice! I still haven’t put stuff up that was selected after the last time I repainted. 5 years ago…

  9. Trading tasty food for tasteful decorating…sounds fair to me.

  10. John- They are… I hope I never have a problem… sigh

    AOW- Thank you! I know how to ‘break’ things, but not decorate. 🙂

    LL- Slowly… 🙂

    Jason- He’s on hiatus. He will be back. 🙂

    SPE- I was actually going to move it to the back bedroom, but they stuck it up there… sigh… And yes writing will recommence shortly!

    gfa- THAT is the extent of my capability… Burning meat! 😀

    Dammit- They done good, especially considering the mishmash they had to work with!

    SoCal- I tried! 🙂

    Suz- Yep, back to writing this week!

    Fargo- You mean my scattershot approach??? LOL

    PH- Ouch…

    GR6- Hopefully… 😀

  11. That’s indeed looking like a home now. All that remains is to give it that “lived in” look. 🙂

  12. Hey Old NFO;

    Very nice selection of pictures….and the Iloveme box is impressive….and the food looked good also;)