
Wordless Wednesday… — 13 Comments

  1. I don’t have the words to express my disgust with our current set of political leaders, including McConnell and Ryan. The shooter worked for a large international security firm with US government contracts and had a valid carry permit from the State of Florida. He purchased his guns legally. He was investigated by the FBI at least twice……and we need more gun laws?!?!

  2. And Hillary plans on having a talk with her Secret Service detail on making sure fully automatic weapons are now not to be carried while protecting the lives of herself and her family. She means it – really means it, there may even be tears !!

  3. I heard that a Mooselim took hostages at the local Walmart – and the Amarillo SWAT Team sent him on to his 72 virgins. It’s a good thing. Had he lived, Obama would have pardoned him on his way out of office.

  4. They all beat me to the punch. The asshattery of the politicians in our country is beyond mind-boggling.

  5. I would comment at length on this, but one of my guns is behaving strangely, and I have to go make sure it doesn’t run off and shoot someone…

  6. PE- Understood and agreed… sigh

    j.r.- I doubt that… She’ll want more, just out of sight.

    LL- Yep, scratch another one! 🙂

    Fargo- Of course it is…

    Rev- Yep!

    Tim- Good luck with that. Mine are under 24/7 surveillance, and they haven’t moved a lick…

  7. Hil-LIAR-y is every bit as full of shit as is her asshole buddy-pal, Mullah Obama. If that bich actually does wangle and cheat her way into the White House, we as a nation can kiss our collective asses goodbye. She will make even Jimmy Carter look somewhat competent in comparison. And she and Mullah Obama can be co-worst Presidents ever – of any country, with the possible exception of Stalin’s Russia.

  8. Obama has a serious disconnect with reality, brought on by his dogmas to bring about the Great Progress of the left. It is difficult to fathom how ignorant Obama and the people of our nation have become in such a short time.

  9. News today is that Trump and members of Congress are lining up to talk about allowing the government to decide who has their rights taken away by putting them on a secret list. Interesting times are coming, brothers and sisters.

  10. Scottie- Agree!!!

    Euripides- Sad, but true…

    DB- That they are, that they are. At least with Trump we will KNOW there is a list, with Hillary, not so much…