
I had a rant about half done about how the left has ‘migrated’ the discussion to banning semi-auto rifles, but you know what, screw it…

Nobody cares…

But I find this oddly appropriate, and kinda makes my point…

funny poster

And I can’t help but wonder what Charles Schultz would do with Charlie Brown and Snoopy today…

Especially since Charlie would be 66 this year… And Snoopy would be 462 in dog years… I’m imagining they would both be rather disgruntled at where America is today…

Charlie Brown the later years

Go read the folks on the sidebar, I’m going to the range and commune with aromatherapy…


Meh… — 12 Comments

  1. I care!
    WE care, Jim!
    Someone needs to figure out the percentage of folks who read our kind of blogs versus those who actually post comments…

    And preaching to the choir keeps the message alive!


  2. We must speak truth to power. We write because we must let others know that truth still exists in the world.

    You can quote me on that.

  3. SMLE or ’03?
    M1917 or M1 Garand?
    AR? Nah, don’t have time for them to bleed to death.

  4. Speaking of Shultz, this 13 minutes of goodness. I am sure all of us old farts remember this show.

  5. Rick- Yep…

    gfa/WSF- I get an average of about 12-1300 hits a day… So something around a half million views a year. Doing the math, I get about one comment per hundred views.

    Euripides- I do… Or at least I try…

    Stretch- 03A3 🙂

    PLira- Good one, and thanks for the reminder!

  6. Hey Old NFO;

    Keep preaching, we need to bolster each other since the gun control news is flaring up and we have members of the GOP wanting to score political points due to the tragedy and I see a slippery slope to tyranny going on here. We need to keep the truth going on in the ‘verse to keep it from being drowned by all the noise.

  7. AH, aromatherapy…. I can smell it through the net. Been moving dirt past few days and will take the boys to the lower garden tomorrow so they can shoot their bowling pins they bought today. A father’s day celebration with my boys… Can’t beat it.