Another hit…

France, Nice this time, was ground zero for another attack last night. This time it was a truck mowing people down along the beach promenade. 70+ dead and over 50 injured as of the time I went to bed.

No assignment of ‘blame’ yet, as the French police shot the driver dead. BUT there were apparently grenades and guns found in the vehicle. I’m wondering how long it will be before the dancing in the blood begins, along with the calls (again) for a gun ban…

What about a truck ban??? Of course not…

Today is supposed to be the ‘Day of Rage’ marches all over the US. I can’t help but wonder if one of them is going to turn into anarchy when John Q Public has finally had enough, or has a medical emergency and either can’t get an ambulance, or said ambulance or transport is stuck in traffic caused by the protesters…

Or, God forbid, there is another sniper sitting out there deciding to kill Whitey, and just ‘happens’ to be in the vicinity…

If I had the choice, I’d be sitting at home and not pushing my luck today. I ‘hope’ things stay peaceful, but I’m guess maybe 50-50 chance, which truly sucks.

Stay safe folks.


Another hit… — 21 Comments

  1. Methinks I shall stay at home today. Perhaps refine my .308 loads for next Friday’s trip to a 1000 yard range. Anything to keep me off the streets and out of harms way.
    Thankfully, I live in the Gunshine state of Florida, where at least I have the chance to fight back when the terrorists attack.

  2. Did they have to shoot him? Wasn’t he offered a chance to explain his actions? Will we ever know his motivation? What percentage of people who are shot by the French police are people of color?

    Now you don’t need to watch TV this morning.

  3. I’ll be staying home too. Although I have never joined a protest of any kind and with today’s American, never will. People are just crazy.

    Another terror attack. Well, if we’d just stop creating carbon footprints and cure global warming, the terrorists would stop murdering and go back to their sand dunes.

    *sarcasm off*

  4. I wager this ‘day of rage’ nonsense is going to fizzle. The real objective is to make people and law enforcement worried and on edge for a whole lot of nothing. It was started by a troll group and the purpose of trolling is to make people angry/anxious over things that don’t matter. The real problem is going to be if the next such effort actually ends up being something and people dismiss it because previously nothing happened.

  5. Interesting how nearly (?) every time oblabba speaks, an attack happens by an extremist somewhere in the world. Is there a direct signal given to them, or is permission implied by a muslim representative of the United States having spoken? It seems to be only when the oval office squatter has spoken. I read this observation somewhere and I am beginning to wonder. Any thoughts or observations?

  6. The “Occupy” crowd tried to shut down the Port of Anchorage a few years ago. They were ignored by the press, harassed by the cops, and very nearly run over by Teamsters.

    They slunk back into the bushes with tails firmly between legs, and were never heard from again. Methinks there’s a lesson there.

  7. We need a waiting period before anyone buys a truck.

    Anyone who wants to buy a truck should have his background checked.

    No one needs a truck that big.

  8. It goes without saying that Mullah Obama will keep on his bullshit ranting about banning gun because the French cops shot that mooslime asshole. But you can bet that the Mullah will start ranting about banning all trucks because the asshole drove one through that crowd.

  9. I think I am getting numb from all the attacks. Still haven’t recovered from Dallas. I say blast them all.

  10. Carson City is on that list of “Rager-roonies”? Really? Seriously? If you carry, carry extra magazines.

    And the truck-murderer was not a French citizen, he was Tunisian who married his cousin (cousin-marriage is popular in Tunisia with about %20 doing it despite the increased medical risks) and had three kids by her – probably brain-damaged little tykes if they survived beyond a few years. The Police “knew” of him as a cheap thug criminal – so he got radicalized.

  11. All- Thanks for the comments. I’m at a first responders appreciation day. Feeding LEOs, fire, EMS, and others. 480 for lunch…

    Posted from my iPhone.

  12. Re France: Don’t care if the Teamsters, the Seals, the Rangers or the Marines are turned loose, just double down on these idiots and squash them like a bug. The way it’s going, France may begin to rethink the gun ban stuff since guns have been the item that has stopped these attacks.

    And 480(!!) for lunch…hope you have (mechanical) dishwasher equipment and a few ibuprofen hanging around cause I bet your feet/knees are gonna feel it tomorrow. Can you tell what my duties were when I used to do similar activities? 🙂 Although it is much more fun to do this for a “Thank You Day” than for a MCI event. The hugs were happier.


  13. The day we go to war with Islam, I’ll re up.

    Until then, this shit will continue to happen.

  14. He was shouting “allahu akbar!” The whole time. Zero doubt about his motivation.