You can guess what the ‘other’ F is…

Three days of therapy on my back this week about knocked me out…

I need a few days off to recover, or at least try to!

Anyhoo, it was my turn to cook, and since “somebody” is joining the ranks of authorship, and it’d been a while since we had steaks…

Dinner 1

And the baked potato recipe came from HERE. Brigid makes a ‘passing’ mention of the garlic cloves being hot, believe me they are @@$&*&#% HOT!!! Burned my damn fingers, but everyone loved the potatoes!

Now I’m off to try to sleep off this meal… Y’all have a great weekend!



TGIFF… — 7 Comments

  1. Man, that looks awesome … nicely done ! You go get that batteries recharged and take a load off, you earned it.

  2. A very tasty meal, from all appearances. Take care of that back, my friend. May hurt like —-, but it’s the only one you’ve got.

  3. Anon- It was! And I’m trying…

    WSF- Yes it is, even if it IS a PITA! 🙂

    Rev- Tryin’…