
Wordless Wednesday… — 13 Comments

  1. We are missing the sign that says, “Menopausal female resides within. This is your only warning.”

  2. There are all sorts of things which I shouldn’t say, and I usually recognize them right after I’ve said them. The older I get, the fewer filters I seem to have. Maybe it’s because I’ve reached the point where I don’t have the patience to play games.

    I really, really like images 2 and 3. 🙂

  3. I’m taking another communicating with tact and professionalism course today. It appears the last one I took did not take. One thing we were told was to never discuss politics or religion. What’s left to talk about?

  4. I always liked the sign that says “Due to the high cost of ammo, warning shots will no longer be used”….

  5. John- Good point! (shudder)

    Brig- LOL, mine too!

    gfa- I wish!!!

    Rev- BTDT, sigh…

    Ed- LOL

    drjim- Agreed!!!

  6. The third one should be posted, not just in every classroom, but in all government offices!

  7. Hmm. I guess I need one that says “I Never Used Warning Shots, I ALWAYS Fire for Effect.” 😉

  8. Here’s a quote from a history book written by Robert L. Brown on northwest ghost towns, regarding those who decided to travel where they were not welcome.

    “Warning, no trespassing, survivors will be prosecuted.”