Gotta love Friday afternoon data dumps before the long weekend…

Guilty… Plain and simple…Clinton NDA sig

And it appears she ‘lost’ or the ‘team’ lost or destroyed (supposedly) 11-13 missing handheld devices she used…

Story HERE.

If this were one of us ‘peons’, we would already be in jail, looking at 30 years minimum…

Don’t bother trying to BS me about how she’s not guilty. I KNOW what I was told when I signed similar documents about what the punishment for violation of ONE item was, much less all the ones she violated.

It’s obvious the fix is in. Done, we might as well not even have an election at this point.

I also find it really interesting that she couldn’t remember s**t, but remembered ONE very specific conversation (or so she said), with Colin Powell about using personal emails. Article HERE.

Of interest, Powell says he has no memory of that conversation, and he was using an AOL account back when he was Sec State.


YGTBSM!!! — 18 Comments

  1. I signed the same thing. I once got my butt chewed for simply sending an email from my home account to a stakeholder, that due to a death in the family I wouldn’t be at a meeting that day.

    If I’d done it again, I’d probably have been fired, and that was hardly close to “classified”.

  2. “she ‘lost’ or the ‘team’ lost or destroyed (supposedly) 11-13 … devices she used…”

    And a significant percentage of the voters want her to keep track of “the football”.

    I can see it now:

    “Quick. Where is the football. We have to launch NOW!!!”

    “Golly. It was here a minute ago. Let me check Craigslist. That is where I found it last time.”

  3. “…she ‘lost’ or the ‘team’ lost or destroyed (supposedly) 11-13…devices”

    I can see it now:

    “Quick, where is the football. We need to launch NOW!!!”

    “Golly, it was here a minute ago. Let me look on Moscow Craigslist, that is where I found it last time.”

  4. Man, if I had even thought about doing any of this crap, I’d STILL be making little ones out of big ones in Kansas…

  5. I guess the slogan for this election now is: “Vote for the Clown, It’s important”.

    Good gravy, I just reluctantly endorsed Trump as the alternative is beyond bad. Even if he is the stalking horse for Hillary, he’s still not as bad as Hillary.

  6. Yup…if any of us had done what The Hildebeast did, we’d never see light of day again…..

  7. “we would already be in jail, looking at 30 years minimum…”
    And that’s for EACH violation.
    And don’t forget the fine. I believe it’s up to $250,000 @ violation. Of course that’s pocket change to The Clinton Syndicate … er, Foundation.

  8. And then she says “I don’t recall signing that because I had a concussion.”

    That would work sooo well for one of the little people.

  9. So her argument is we should vote for her because she is a senior blonde female with memory issues?? But she is very detailed oriented, a “real policy wonk”.

    If I recall, she was fired off the Watergate investigation panel due to mishandling classified materials then…I would think she would have learned to pay attention back then to the trainings.

    Something stinks in Denmark…
