Gone hunting…


Go read the folks on the sidebar, they’re better at this than I am…

Oh yeah, and then there’s this one…




Gone hunting… — 11 Comments

  1. Bwahahaha! Love it. Happy hunting. When are you going to invite your blogger friends over for one of those divine dinners?

  2. I look at that safety pin, and I _still_ think it’s a blind rivet, every time.

    Happy hunting! And remember, I have this spare deep freezer if you need extra space!

  3. The only safety pin that I used, was pulled before I threw the grenade!

  4. Not to be a stickler,
    “Emu meat is an excellent alternative for health-conscious consumers who love the taste of beef. The red emu meat is similar in taste and texture to lean beef, but lower in cholesterol, fat, and calories. The tenderness and texture of emu meat enables it to be prepared in a variety of ways.”

  5. C’mon, Jim, you know EVERYthing tastes like chicken. 😉

  6. Good Luck and remember to post a picture.

    11/15 was the start of the firearm season and is an unofficial holiday in MI. Bunch of schools are closed as both kids and teachers go hunting. The DNR said that 521,000 deer tags were sold, and that hunting brings in $2.3 Billion of business, most from folks buying gear, food, and lodging. Just in Michigan!! Talk about economic stimulus!!

    Gotta say the traffic on the drive into the office in the morning is pretty light…just have to watch for deer dodging all those folks wandering around the woods.
