And the report is out…
“Self-defense can be an important crime deterrent,”says a new report by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The $10 million study was commissioned by President Barack Obama as part of 23 executive orders he signed in January.
Full article, HERE.
And here’s the NRA’s response to Jeff Sessions in an opinion piece-
Chris W. Cox1:05 p.m. ET Jan. 5, 2017
For the last eight years, Americans who care about the Second Amendment and our right to self-defense have faced an administration intent on dismantling those freedoms. The gun control lobby, funded by billionaires like Michael Bloomberg, tried to turn the 2016 election into a referendum on the Second Amendment — and they lost. Now, due in no small part to the efforts of the National Rifle Association and our members, law-abiding gun owners can look forward to a president who respects our rights. In that regard, we should all be happy about President-elect Donald Trump’s nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions to be the next attorney general.
Full article, HERE.
h/t NRA Media
And just gotta ‘love’ the ‘endearments’ from the left leaning left coast, HERE…
Seems like they are tone deaf to what happened in November, or they’re smoking too much dope…
I get the impression that if rural America stays the way it is, they will stay away from us.
I’m good with that.
They don’t have enough body bags to do otherwise.
What is the Centers for DISEASE Control doing studying firearms and the second amendment? I don’t need a shot to cure my desire to carry my weapon. It just seems like the wrong agency.
Ed- Agreed! 🙂
LL- Nope, not in THIS lifetime!!!
CP- It’s all about the ‘agenda’ and guns bad, because DOCTORS… Not that it makes any sense outside the loony left!
I remember when I read Joel Rosenberg’s “Guardians of the Flame” series so many years ago. One of the characters, when faced with a situation that screamed for violence after he had promised to only fight in self-defense, decided that almost anything qualified as self-defense to a sufficiently flexible mind. So it is with the CDC and gun control. To a sufficiently flexible mind, almost anything can be made into a disease/public health issue. All that’s required is a little tweaking of definitions, a little ignoring of history and volia, it deserves investigation by the CDC.
If we add to the above the concept of “mission creep” (I started off in the USCG, so I’ve seen that) and the allure of research grants, we might conclude it’s almost impossible to avoid such research under the auspices of the CDC.
And I misspelled “voila”
+1 Ed Bonderenka,LL
While I have not read the actual report, I see no mention of the number of crimes stopped by the defensive use of a firearm. So, if we have 103,000 deaths and injuries per year from firearms compared to the conservative estimate of 800,000 violent crimes per year prevented or interrupted by the presence of a defensive firearm, that gives an 8:1 end result in favor of carrying a firearm. That’s all the argument I need.
Sessions will make a good AG. First job is to clean house of Eric Holder’s and Loretta Lynch’s lawyers working at Justice.
I’m sure middle America is just fine with not having an infestation of liberal progressives move into their area. But somehow, the L/P’s just never take the hint.
I find it interesting that the CDC study is dated 2013…
Let your senators know that you support their confirmation of Senator Sessions. Contact their offices ASAP. The Dems in the Senate have vowed a fight.
Thank you Melinda Byerly. All these years I’ve disliked those West Coast (and Acela Corridor) residents moving to Colorado and setting out to change the state to mirror the one they left. Now I understand they are brave pioneers moving into the heart of bigotry so the bigots can be transformed into acceptable citizens.
“do you have guns in the house” is a question asked in your doctor’s office as a part of a mental health screening tool. The CDC is responsible for collating that info when the physician office submits it. Because we blame the tool, not the user when folks with mental health issues have a “postal” moment. And if one person does it, then everyone else most be tempted as well, or so the L/P’s think…evil tool and all….
“do you have guns in the house”
Yes, but not all of them.
My doc knows why I carry a little extra weight.
Doc: Do you have guns in the house?
MJ: Sure. Doesn’t everyone?
Someone is going to catch some serious hell over that report on guns. I’m just hoping that Trump will discover the damage and fix it.