Well, no deer again this trip… Sigh…
Not for lack of trying, but when the winds get up, the deer lay down. Didn’t even see any squirrels, heard quite a few, but…
Two days of no phone, no internet, no texts was actually great! Didn’t even watch the inauguration or coverage of the riots on Saturday. I was enjoying just being outdoors and the views weren’t bad either. 🙂
The Texas hill country has a stark beauty all its own, and last night the winds blew the sky clear of clouds and haze. The stars were absolutely stunning, scattered across the sky from horizon to horizon without any ambient lighting screwing up the view.
The place we were hunting has been in the family for close to 100 years and being a farm at one time, things get ‘repurposed’ when they break…
The ‘remains’ of an old Massey-Ferguson tractor, the seat and a brake drum, turned into patio furniture… Surprisingly comfortable, but then I wasn’t bouncing across a field for hours upon end, either!
Good folks, good food, good conversation and one of our group dropped a hook in a pond on the property and got four bass, the largest about 5 lbs.
Sadly, it’s now back to reality…
Well, that is how hunting goes sometimes. My deer season’s result were the same, no meat, but I still have some burger meat from last year and should be able to pull through until next year. Great memories of this past season, only my brother for human company this year.
Four hunts, a couple of bucks seen opening day, but they were still young and I hope they survive to become older, they sported slender eight points each so show some promise.
I’ve reached the point where hunting has little thrill. I will carry a gun, or a fishing pole, and just enjoy the huge expanses of glory we call Texas. The gun is for protection against critters (both wild and human) and the fishing pole is an excuse sit against a tree and take a nap.
Glad you had a chance to listen to the wind rustle the grass and enjoy the peace and quiet. You really didn’t miss much by being off the grid for a few days…just stuff that would have elevated your BP.
Do hope you had a chance to think out the next plot twist for your up-coming Grey Man book. 🙂
And you did bring back some very nice pictures!
That looks like a neat seat!
It is hard to leave the farm for the city, so to speak. You were much better off this weekend with no electronics than most of us. At least your blood pressure stayed normal.
It’s always nice to clear the head. Then again, coming back to the shit show that is the news from Washington, you probably should have stayed out on the back 40.
It’s good to get away and spend time in the woods. In many ways, our ancestors were more wise than we. They lived life, rather than watching it on a screen, and spent much time out of doors. Deer season was always a wonderful way to get away, and I’m glad you got away from the idiocy on display. You missed nothing.
Well, at least you had a great time, even though you didn’t bag a deer.
Nothing beats a few days out in the open, AWAY FROM CITIES, to recharge the body and mind.
I can hardly wait until were out of this urban sprawl and living in a decidedly more rural environment.
j.r.- Yep, always next season! 🙂
Jess- True! All of us have shot enough deer to be ‘picky’… 🙂
Suz- A couple of ideas are percolating… 😀
CP/DB- Yep, sounds like it!!!
Rev- That they did! I cannot imagine what my grandfathers (either of them) would think of today’s ‘media’…
Welcome back.
Coming from a long line of subsistence hunters (aka poachers) I would suggest you create your own season, so to speak.
Looks like good country for a sit down with a .270 Win.
That seat brought back memories of playing on my uncle’s farm in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany in my youth. No tractor seats turned into patio furniture, but I remember climbing all over tractors as a kid. Thanks for nudging those memories back to the front — good times with hardworking people.
WSF- If I needed to… 🙂
JBB- It is!!!
Nik- You are welcome, sir!
The youngsters have been good at bringing home the harvest, and are very willing to share with us oldsters. They let us go along because we know the lay of the land…
Just to be outside the hubbub and out of cell range is wonderfully freeing. Glad you got some time away!
Brig- Thanks! 🙂