Here we go again…

The shooter in Sutherland Springs, Texas should never have been allowed to purchase a gun, he had a conviction for domestic violence, and a bad conduct discharge (not a felony), but the Air Force never filed the paperwork with NICS.

The people who need to be remembered are HERE, along with their families.

And the Dems are nothing if not predictable… Finestkind is promoting yet ANOTHER ‘Assault Weapons’ ban…

Full article, HERE.

And once again, they are going after the illusive ‘high cap’ magazines… So with 2-3 million+ AR/SKS/AK platforms out there, and probably 10 million + magazines, and information in the wild for 3D printing lowers and magazines for those platforms. And that is not counting the pistol magazines with more than 10 rounds, which probably number 30 million??? maybe more? How the hell are they planning on enforcing it?

And what happens to all those folks with old lever and pump .22s with more than 10 round magazines? Are they going to be considered ‘assault weapons’ again? Are they going to be confiscated, since you can’t ‘remove’ the magazines…

Sigh… Why is it that the gun is always blamed, not the individual? It’s not the car or truck that gets blamed when somebody goes nuts and uses a vehicle to kill people. It’s not the car that gets blamed when a drunk kills people. It’s not the bomb that gets blamed in a terrorist attack, nor is the fertilizer blamed when somebody builds an ANFO bomb. It’s not the knife… etc…

My question is, WHY is the left so afraid of guns? There is no question that what this shooter, like the one in Vegas, and all the others did is horrendous. NO QUESTION! And contrary to the left, we did and do pray for those families and the survivors, but then we are Christians, so I guess that is bad too.

One other question- What new law is going to magically ‘fix’ the problem? Criminals don’t obey laws, only law abiding folks. I think the left is doing everything they can to make US criminals.

As a side note, a number of folks have noticed more people open carrying in Texas this week…

Edit- Yes, I know the whole ‘assault weapon’ ban proved ineffective. And HERE is a great OPED from John Lott, if the left would bother to actually read it.


Here we go again… — 17 Comments

  1. adding to the above that any politician who gives up their security detail to show the politician is willing to live up to the same law proposed has escaped any attention from the media. Guns for me and not for thee just won’t cut it DiFi.

  2. Mad Mike has a FB post about how many different pieces of the USAF likely didn’t quite fully communicate with each other, the result being everyone perhaps thought the other fellow took care of things. So the real lesson is perhaps we need bureaucracy control and reduction.

    As for fear of arms, well see the current “shocking” (in the Casablanca sense) revelations out of the so-called entertainment industry. Last thing they want is armed potential victims.

    Yes, ox cynical.

    And we really need to hammer correction every time they say it, that they are trying to screw up NORMAL CAPACITY magazines. They are the ones who want things to be abnormal.

  3. The left — which is, as I view it, a rather small group of individuals — is afraid of guns for a very simple reason: that group seriously wants to take over and run the country, and to H__l with us ordinary peasants. Many (but not all) Hollywood types, yes, but a large group of professional educators at all levels, together with some very wealthy people of very dodgy morals. The presence of an armed citizenry (dare I use the term “militia” threatens that desire. Therefore, said peasantry must be disarmed. Compare with Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler… Cromwell, for that matter, in England, or Edward II. Same script, different cast.

    • +1

      The socialists cannot run a successful revolution if those pesky peasants keep shooting them.

  4. NICS checks only apply to guns sold by FFLs, other than a handful of slave states. In Texas and every statate adjacent to it, you can buy one from anyone willing to sell, just like a lawnmower or a television. No title, no permit, no papers, no permission from anyone.

    While the bureaucrats appear to have dropped the ball, all it meant was that Idiot Boy would have had to look in the classified section of the newspaper and buy from an individual instead of an FFL.

    • True to a certain extent re private sales – a private seller in Texas is still obligated to insure that the buyer is a Texas resident and be able to determine if said buyer is of ‘good character’ – not required but if the seller knowingly sells to a prohibited person (which name deleted should have been) he puts himself at risk for civil penalties and criminal charges.

  5. The firearms control crowd hate firearms, and by extension, firearm owners. Any excuse to push their agenda will do. Nut job rents a truck and runs people down in NYC. Didn’t take long for the mayor and others to try to tie firearms into their equation.

    Since irrationality seems to be the order of the day, I lump gun grabbers in the same category as jihadists. Both are my enemies.

  6. The firearms control crowd hate firearms, and by extension, firearm owners. Any excuse to push their agenda will do. Nut job rents a truck and runs people down in NYC. Didn’t take long for the mayor and others to try to tie firearms into their equation.

    Since irrationality seems to be the order of the day, I lump gun grabbers in the same category as jihadists. Both are my enemies.

    • Yup.

      “Individually, we do not bear arms because we are afraid. We bear arms as a declaration of capacity. An armed man can cope – either in the city or in the wilderness – and because he is armed, he is not afraid.

      The hoplophobe fears and, yes, hates us, because we are not afraid. We are overwhelmingly “other” than he, and in a way that emphasizes his afflictions.”

      Jeff Cooper

  7. We like guns. They fear and hate them. We see value in guns in the protection they can provide, the fun they are part of and also the monetary value of this item. They value them less than a scary dangerous snake. Reason is not part of their process other than to express their hate. Since you like what they hate, they hate you as well; you will not just let them make those “nasty things” go away. Given a magic wand, your (and everyone else’s) ability to defend yourself will be gladly taken away. There is no compromise, know their ultimate goal is to make guns go away. Yes, they are stupid enough to believe that that genie can be rebottled.

  8. I recently heard a statistic of 8 million plus AR’s sold under the last administration – I suspect there are 2 to 3 million SKS’s in the country, and even more AK’s…

    As some have said, the emphasis isn’t on guns; it is on control – and an irrational focus on a few subjects: guns, abortion, any and all non-traditional sexuality.

    I read a study of Europe a few years ago that said that as countries there become less religious, they become more superstitious – people believe in something, whether or not they will admit it; the only explanation I can think of is that the atheist Left in the US is becoming pagan and believing in talismans and endowing inanimate objects with supernatural power.

  9. You can be an escaped prisoner and still by a gun. On the form you fill out is the question about being a fellon. Just answer NO and you are the owner of a gun. With all the backlog paperwork, it could take years before you are caught.

  10. As that great Social Democrat basically said, the left wants to remove our guns because then we can’t resist.

    You know, that really great Social Democrat from the 20th Century. That guy from Austria-Hungary. Adolph Hitler.

    Yep. I am calling all those leftist democrats Hitler. Literally Hitler. And, unlike them, I am correct.

    This world sucks.

  11. ” the left wants to remove our guns because then we can’t resist.”

    I think the Left may be seriously underestimating the will of other folks to resist. After all we still have all those other tools (knives, baseball bats, hammers, etc.)

    Bottom line is there is a huge difference between can’t do something and wont do something. If the guns all went away, people will find another way to resist in this country. It is bred into our DNA.