There are optics…

And then there are ‘bad’ optics…

A Kennedy standing in front of a car, looking uncomfortable? Really??? Do people not realize EXACTLY what memory that brings up for us old farts?

Can we say… Chappaquiddick

Anybody else remember this ad, from back in the day?

Granted it’s from Mad Magazine National Lampoon (Thanks John) but that one made the rounds, and Mad National Lampoon thumbed their noses at the Kennedys when they tried to have the magazines recalled…

As far as what he said, Meh… Spewing the Dems party line all the way down. Although I do think it’s pretty interesting how the President saying Americans are dreamers too, is a ‘bad’ thing. And the ACLU bitching about the president saying America 80 times during his speech?

Just my .02, but dreamers can be ANYBODY… It’s not an ‘exclusive’ term… As far as the ALCU, they can go pound sand. He is America’s president, whether you like it or not, and this IS AMERICA.

And his choice of language was significantly different from the past presidents. Trump said “we” 129 times, and “our” 104 times, as opposed to I, which was only used 29 times. Obama’s count was 88 times for I or me…

So who is the egotist here???


There are optics… — 17 Comments

  1. It all harkens back to WHY the American people elected President Trump. The Democrat party doesn’t seem to get it. The Kennedy dynasty has passed, as has the Clinton dynasty and the Bush dynasty.

  2. The Progressive Left (but I repeat myself) is so badly out of touch with reality that it has induced a yawn from Americans. We expect them to screech incoherently every time Pres. Trump draws breath, and have long since tuned them out.

  3. There you go again, presenting facts. Just another old male Caucasian with a long memory damaging the narrative. Worse, you might get the sheep to start thinking independent thoughts.

    Whatever can we do? You are clouding the optics.

  4. LL- Good points all!

    Rev- Exactly!

    WSF- LOL, so facts no longer matter? Of course, with the ‘new’ generation, if they didn’t see it on twit or snapwhatever, it didn’t happen, right?

  5. To Leftists, facts, logic, reality, history and Christianity are inconvenient obstacles to power. The left has always been, and will always be, anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-truth, and anti-reality. Their ideals are lies, their programs are death.

    Of course the ACLU objects to the term “America”. They were founded by the Communists to destroy America through the legal system.

  6. I am glad that our President yanked back the word “dreamer” from the progs. I am so tired of them taking away perfectly good words out of our most excellent language and perverting them.

    And I wonder when the ACLU will turn against itself since it has “American” in its title? Hopefully soon.

  7. I missed it, on purpose mostly…but I echo your thoughts completely…especially the go pound sand part. made me lol

  8. McC- Good point!

    John- Oops, my bad…

    Andrew- Or drop American from their title???

    Randy- 🙂

  9. FuzzyGeff’s Mom: “What would it take for you to vote for (Ted) Kennedy?”

    FuzzyGeff: “A personal endorsement from Mary Jo Kopechne”

    That exchange pretty much shut down the “let’s vote for a Kennedy” to me.

  10. Hey Old NFO;

    Yep, I noticed the car thing yesterday and made a meme for it, LOL Who wants another kennedy in the white house, I think people are tired of “royalty” and from what I have seen, their family tree don’t fork much.

  11. McT- Yep…

    Bob- No, it doesn’t. And I think we’re ALL tired of ‘dynasties’ regardless of which side they are on.

    • Joseph Senior would have had his skull cored like an apple and then dumped him in a hospital somewhere.

  12. Gotta wonder how many sexual harassment suits ol’ joey 3 has settled under the table so to speak over the years.