
What ARE some of these people smoking???

Do away with insurance companies, health care for all, 70% or higher tax rates on ‘high income’ people, outright confiscation of properties…

THIS is the ‘new’ dems plan for America? Really? Did anybody do a basic math check on how much that would cost? Much less how many people it would put out of work? And where do they plan to get all the doctors they would need, when many doctors are retiring or going into other fields now.

Even if you taxed the ‘high’ income at 90%, it still wouldn’t be enough, and inevitably that tax rate would ‘trickle down’, probably into the middle class meaning even less take home, for what? An even longer wait for medical services?

All you have to do is look at the VA, THAT is government bureaucracy health care at ‘work’, if you want to call it that. 5-6 months for an MRI, physicals that ‘slip’ 2-3 months, other services that suddenly become ‘unavailable’.

And the rumor mill has it the dems will refuse to negotiate on the wall/slats/whateverthehellyouwanttocallit, because the President has ‘caved’ already, so they have him right where they want him. They seem to forget the Internet never forgets, and there are plenty of videos/documents/statements from the very ones saying the wall is immoral where they’ve voted for it multiple times in the past.

My feelings?

5.7B is dirt cheap compared to the estimated 150B that is being spent on illegals in welfare, medical care, etc… It’s pretty sad when an illegal can get more per month than a wounded veteran of the military can get…

And let’s not forget the media complicity in a lot of this crap! Glenn Greenwald’s post HERE, from The Intercept. OBTW, he actually provides sources/links…



Sigh… — 37 Comments

  1. I like the current design for the wall. It’s cheaper, allows small animals to cross unimpeded, and gives us lots and lots of posts to stand Leftists up against.

    • Hmm, maybe instead of ‘catch and release’ we could just tie them to the slats – far enough apart that they can’t work on the knots of their neighbors. I imagine that would be considered as cruel and unusual punishment though…………

  2. If I were one of those wealthy cash cows (and I’m not – my rainbows come in black and white), I would rather physically destroy my money rather than watch some entity steal it to give out where they wanted. To hell with ’em – why should anyone else reap the rewards of another’s effort ?

    • Yep, I ain’t ‘well off’ by any means but it is and always should be MY choice in how I spend my money. Same applies to the ‘rich’ as well.

  3. Math is the toxically white homophobic patriarchy.

    They are not very numerate, or they are selling to the innumerate. It is a religious argument, not a numerical one.

    • You’re on it. We need to do away with math and just go with our “feelings”

      • My feeling is that these people are not mentally competent, and if we accept nationalized healthcare, we no longer have a principled reason to oppose euthanizing them.

        There is a reason I try to hold my tongue when it comes to my emotionally based suggestions. 🙂

  4. I believe we are seeing the self destruction of the Democratic party. When the dust settles, we will have a Socialist Party of America, a Republican Party, a Libertarian Party, and a much diminished Democratic Party mostly run out of a nursing home in Boca Raton.

  5. We don’t need the wall or healthcare reform because the world will be unlivable in 12 years according to the newest darling of the left.

    Trump should take the money and spend it on a party.
    It will be HUGE!

    If he wants to party, the Democrats will bill the wall out of spite.

    • I have a totally scientific model that says a warming earth will make the sun explode unless we exterminate those south and central americans. 🙂

    • The USA will be unlivable in 12 years if the Dems plans continue without serious opposition. 15 years at the outside. That’s when it all comes crashing down.

  6. Your graphic says it pretty well … not that the Leftist Progtards have any intention of using actual thought beyond a basic hatred of all things “conservative”.

  7. What makes me shake my head is the statement of “Medicare for all because it is free.” I thought only a 20-something who doesn’t see the Social Security statements would think that Medicare was free. Hello!! It only pays 80%, you have to pay the other 20% plus the deductible, plus the monthly premium. Hardly free.

    Furthermore, those docs who are getting out of medicine and going to other professions are doing so because of what they see coming down the pike and wanting no part of it. Because they are intelligent.

    Something the majority of the Democratic party seems to be lacking in recently. Maybe it is time to have their candidates pass an IQ test before getting their name on the ballot?? If I had kids heading off to college, I certainly wouldn’t allow them to go to Harvard, or Boston University. I have a nephew who recently graduated from Dartmouth…not too keen on what I see and hear from him either.

    • My wife and I are on medicare. Between part B premiums, co insurance and perscription coverage we are out of pocket about $600 A month and lots of meds are either not covered or have copays. Of course the coinsurance and perscription coverage is with a private insurance company so you don’t eliminate private coverage either. We live rural and the closest clinic(40 miles away) is staffed by nurse practicioners and PA’s. The closest doctor is almost 100 miles away. It would only get worse.

  8. What ARE some of these people smoking???

    I dunno. Jimson weed, perhaps?

  9. ugh, just ruined my morning. it’s not your fault, not blaming you.

  10. Hey Old NFO;

    For starters, no government program has spent what they said it would spend…it always takes a life of its own and increases exponentially. Also sure free healthcare…see how that crap is working out in Venezuela and Cuba. Sure it is free, but everyone gets the same crappy healthcare….except the leaders…they will get the good stuff. Remember the special drs and shops that the party elite and the party apparachniks got and everyone else had *squat*. The democrat 2020 platform is “free shit” and the rich will pay for it and the people will buy into it because they have no basis in economic reality.

  11. As someone who is actually on Medicare, as opposed to politicians who get premium health insurance because they are congress critters, or are so damn rich it doesn’t matter, I can assure you that the simplistic idea that you go into your doctor and get treated and medicare takes care of everything is pure B.S.

    First off you need Part B coverage to pay for the things that Part A doesn’t (Part A is the “free” portion). Part B charges a premium, deducted directly from your Social Security payment. Then you typically need than some form of supplemental insurance to cover what Parts A and B don’t cover. Yep, you have pay for that as well. If you need chronic medication for pain or blood pressure , etc. you will also need Part D prescription insurance, again you pay for that. Your Part D insurance carrier can and does change which prescriptions they cover and which they don’t on an annual basis. So every year you have to sift through your options and select which one will provide the most value for your particular situation. To top all of that fun stuff, if you require something other than a routine doctor’s visit, Medicare determines how much they will pay for the procedure, if the doctor or hospital doesn’t agree to the standard reimbursement, you’re on the hook for the difference. Then there is the whole deductible thing. Even with all the above, Medicare is going broke “caring” for those over 65 and they want to put everyone on it.

  12. The brain dead sycophant supporters on the left believe the bullshit being spewed by their masters. MOST of the leadership on the left KNOWS all these promises are bullshit. Their goal is to totally overwhelm the system, make it collapse and then impose the communism THEY want…and coincidentally they will control. The plan comes straight from Alinsky and Lenin’s playbook. The goal is the end of the US as it was created and intended to be….to be replaced by a bigger more nasty version of current Venezuela.

  13. It’s not supposed to be self-supporting, and its’ failure is a feature, not a bug (gets to single-payer, as Obama noted as the final step). When people conssciencously commit evil, they aren’t doing without understanding what they are doing, rather, they are doing it with full knowledge & intent. If you have to choose between bending the knee to their political idology, and your health, which do you choose.
    As Ayn Rand put it in Atlas Shrugged (pages 867-868, Signet 50th Anniversary paperback edition):
    Then [Dagny Taggart] saw the answer; she saw the secret premise behind their words. With all of their noisy devotion to the age of science, their hysterically technological jargon, their cyclotrons, their sound rays, these men were moved forward, not by the image of an industrial skyline, but by the vision of that form of existence which the industrialists had swept away – the vision of a fat, unhygienic rajah of India, with vacant eyes staring in indolent stupor out of stagnant layers of flesh, with nothing to do but run precious gems through his fingers and, once in a while, stick a knife into the body of a starved, toil-dazed, germ-eaten creature, as a claim to a few grains of the creature’s rice, then claim it from hundreds of millions of such creatures and thus let the rice grains gather into gems.
    She had thought that industrial production was a value not to be questioned by anyone; she had thought that these men’s urge to expropriate the factories of others was their acknowledgment of the factories’ value. She, born of the industrial revolution, had not held as conceivable, had forgotten along with the tales of astrology and alchemy, what these men knew in their secret, furtive souls, knew not by means of thought, but by means of that nameless muck which they called their instincts and emotions: that so long as men struggle to stay alive, they’ll never produce so little but that the man with the club won’t be able to seize it and leave them still less, provided millions of them are willing to submit – that the harder their work and the less their gain, the more submissive the fiber of their spirit – that men who live by pulling levers at an electric switchboard, are not easily ruled, but men who live by digging the soil with their naked fingers, are – that the feudal baron did not need electronic factories in order to drink his brains away out of jeweled goblets, and neither did the rajahs of the People’s State of India. [emphasis added].

  14. There’s an internet “poster” that floats around with a picture of Josef Stalin. The caption is “Dark Humor is like food, not everybody gets it.”

    While meant to be funny, it reveals a real truth about Communism. It’s about controlling everything in order to reward your allies and punish your enemies.

    Make no mistake, the Democrats are transitioning to Communists. “Democratic Socialist” is falsehood meant to disguise the truth.

    Obamacare was an initial effort to take over control of both health care and a large part of the economy. It’s goal was to punish and ultimately eliminate those who would oppose the future of America as envisioned by the Communists.

    “Common sense _______ control.”, is about control, pure and simple.

    • “are transitioning to Communists” – I’d say a goodly portion of them are already there, and a lot of them freely admit it.

  15. Socialism means killing those who annoy you. Scientific Socialism means using scientific notation to track the ‘statistics’.

  16. ” health care for all, 70% or higher tax rates on ‘high income’ people”
    Works well for Sweden.
    Used to work very well here in New Zealand until a neo-liberal takeover of government screwed with it.
    Not helped by an influx first of people who lacked The Protestant Ethic and then by people who worship greed and have no concept of social charity.

    • In those countries, that’s all the tax you pay. Not here. Here, you have State taxes, local taxes, social security, medicare/medicaid, and let’s not forget the “alternative minimum” tax surcharge. So that 70% automatically becomes over 90%. In some States, the actual income tax rate would be over 100%.

      And that’s assuming you’re not a small business owner, where the business income gets taxed, and you pay yourself out of what’s left, and then that gets taxed.

      And then there’s property taxes and sales taxes. And fees for darned near any interaction with a government agent, whether you want to or not.

  17. I think what “Occasional-cortex” is calling Medicare and it’s being free is actually Medicaid, which technically is free. My wife and I both use Doctor’s fairly frequently on Medicare and we routinely pay co-pay’s and for test’s and medicine. Yet when we are paying co-pay’s we see numerous other people never pulling out the plastic for the same service’s. My wife, retired nurse, swears they are on Medicaid.