0730- It’s nasty, rainy, and the wind is blowing…
The show floor doesn’t open until 0900, and people are already lined up 20 deep getting their badges!
Seeing a lot of older folks, lots of veterans, lots of questions as to where the NRA is heading and what is happening, but no real answers yet.
What I want to know; when is Wayne going to finally f’n retire?
I think it’s past time to “give him a gold watch” and shove him out the door.
Hey Old NFO
Wish I could have made it this year.. Keep us informed and have fun 🙂
You’re in my home town, Navy. I think you’ll find it VERY Veteran friendly. (I did, even upon my return from VN.
Have a great time there. If I recall, you have a little interest in automobiles, so if you have the discretionary time, take in the Speedway museum, which has not only race cars, but some unique antique autos also.
Ratus- THAT is a good question!
Bob- Will do…
GB- Ohhh… Got it!
I want to know what this business of NRA supporting Red FLag laws is? Is it false news or has someone lost their moxie?
Carlton- Working on it…
I’m a Life Member, which they made spectacularly easy for me, as a disabled veteran. That said:
I love to see the NRA in action providing education.
I DON’T love the see the NRA in action attacking ANYONE, even the most idiotic, selfish, power-hungry people who want to take away our right to keep and bear arms.
I DON’T love to see the NRA providing a platform for ANY politicians, because career politicians have a primary goal of getting re-elected, and ALL politicians have an agenda of some sort, which will not align with the beliefs of NRA members.
I love to see the NRA in action preserving historic firearms and firearms technology.
I love to see the NRA in action providing a convenient forum for demonstration of new firearms-related technology.
Soren Kierkegaard said “Purity of heart is to will one thing.”
So did Curly, in “City Slickers,” sort of.
And I wish the NRA would seek purity of heart.
Hoping that there are more than a few women and young people attending. ‘Cause awesome as oldsters are, we need younger members going forward.
All- Thanks for the comments! Brig- Did see some young folks, including single females and families with babies in strollers. 🙂