We did a little party for Peter Grant (Bayou Renaissance Man) to celebrate his FINALLY becoming an American citizen after nine long years of slogging through the system!
There was food, there were drinks, and about 20 folks showed up from various places. As usual with the usual suspects, the conversations veered widely across the spectrum of military, government, writing, and many other topics as various people dropped in and out of the conversations…
And we gave him a little something to remember the day! 🙂
Thanks to those who came from out of town, and who helped put this together!
Very nice! And I especially liked the flag in the display case. Too often they’re posthumous. He and his wife will be able to enjoy it for many years.
Until I read on his blog that this had happened, I had thought he was already a citizen. I am indeed glad that this is now the case. I was born to mine. He was required to earn his. Welcome Peter.
Dang, saw the announcement on his blog too. Do I have to go to my PSOs/PSMs and backdate a bunch of foreign contact reports?
OldNFO – Did you do your due diligence?
Bigger picture: Please convey congratulations to Peter! It’s a big move, and much tougher than just sneaking across the border. Good on him for the time, investment, and stick-to-it attitude!
Congratulations to Mr. Grant and kudos for going through the legal loopholes for earning his citizenship. I hope everyone had a great time and enjoyed a good meal.
Our country is much improved by having Peter as a citizen, instead just having him live here!!
Well Done!!!
We are greatly increased by his addition to the ranks.
Congratulations to BRM for finally getting the stamp of approval, and to good friends like you who celebrated and commemorated. If Peter plays his cards right, this could become an annual event.
—BUT it’s Cinco de Mayo (today, not yesterday) which means that there will be another celebration! Rock on and keep the cultural appropriation alive.
Is it still cultural appreciation if it’s not actually part of any foreign culture?
Silly me. It’s always cultural appreciation when we do it.
It was fun, the part I got to attend! And yes, conversation was erudite and varied.
All- Thanks for the comments. Now cleaning up… sigh…
Posted from my iPhone.
Great news! I’ve enjoyed Peter’s writing and am happy to say, “Welcome, and congratulations!”
Welcome aboard!
Bob- Passed along!
Ed- Your’s too!
Well done, Mr Grant. Welcome aboard!
I’m glad to have come across your various blogs and enjoy them. This was an awesome idea, well executed. Bravo Zulu to all, and congratulations, Mr. Grant!
Most Excellent !
Oh my! How did I ever miss this event. Congratulations to Peter, it is always nice to add a hard working, legal immigrant to club U.S.A.
Now tell him to get to work, I am lacking new books from a certain author and very much enjoyed the Maxwell and Laredo series.