LibertyCon is coming…

LibertyCon will be the end of the month June 28-30 in Chattanooga, TN.

I got my ‘official’ schedule so I know what I’m on the hook for…

Day Time Name of Event
Fri 05:00PM Opening Ceremonies  


Sat 10:00AM Indy Author Resources Panel  


Sat 01:00PM World Building for Space Opera  


Sat 03:00PM Indie Publishing – Latest Trends in Self-Publishing and the State of the Market  


Sat 10:00PM Writers Tell Sea Stories II  


Sun 10:00AM Kaffeeklatsch  


These should be fun! Looks like I’m going to be surrounded by submariners again on the sea story panel… sigh…

If you’re interested, I will have a few copies of my books there.


LibertyCon is coming… — 13 Comments

  1. Maybe next year I’ll get to registration before it closes. May need to borrow the AI from “Rimworld” to get there in time. Enjoy, from all accounts this looks like an excellent time.

    Stuck on a panel with targets that are all practical jokers … beware in case one of them glues a rotor beanie to your chair.

  2. Sorry I have to miss it this year. Will definitely make it in 2020. Have a fun.

  3. I was thinking about what sea stories the sub-mariners would tell.

    Something like Elmer Fudd’s hunting advice?

    It would be awesome to go to LibertyCon, except that I would have to have multiple John in Philly clones made so I could do everything I would wish to do and would wish to see.

  4. PK- Yeah, there IS that… sigh

    Tole- Looking forward to it!

    John- LOL, that’s the problem we all have! Re the submariners… “There we were, four knots to nowhere… And we’d run out of popcorn… 🙂

    • (cont)….and the filet mignon was medium instead of medium rare, and the lobster tails were just a tiny bit chewy. And on top of that, I couldn’t get the air conditioning vent in my rack to be just the right temperature.”

  5. Fun aside, sea stories aside, does it help your business to go to LibertyCon?

  6. LL- I believe so, if for nothing else, what I learn from the panels and other authors makes it worthwhile!

    Beans- LOL, they can HAVE the screen door…

  7. The stories Submariners CAN tell are not nearly as good as the ones they can’t. But really submarine duty is weeks and weeks and weeks of utter boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror.

  8. Are you going to the Pre-Con Shoot-Out? I only live a bout an hour and a half away. I missed registration (again) this year, but I have given consideration to show up for the shoot and maybe an off-con get together.

  9. Clayton- Kinda like flying… sigh

    Pat- No, but I’d be happy to get together with you.

  10. It sounds like there will be lots of deep thoughts on those panels…