
As my mother taught me, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything…

So go read the folks on the sidebar, because all I’ve got is a bunch of rants, and I’m not going to bore you folks with those…

I’ll just leave you with this.


Sigh… — 15 Comments

  1. Ah, c’mon, a good rant can be entertaining and educational!

  2. I vote for the ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic’ as not a replacement but as the inspirational pre-anthem song. Easy way to identify the woke-scolds, Karens and Kareens, socialists, fascists (real fascists, who are national socialists, rather than conservatives) and other national socialists, anarchists and communists, as they will all be screaming, wailing, gnashing their teeth and wetting their beds.

    Seriously, the NFL and all other ‘professional (whiner)’ sports should be collectively ashamed of themselves. And all tax breaks should be immediately abolished. Want justice? Pay for it equally, ya sorry bunch of whining overpaid children-in-adult-bodies and spineless bottom-feeders.

    And I also vote for rants. Rants rants rants in the pants…

  3. A bunch of rants. Is that similar to a gross of stfu?


  4. Ranting can be therapeutic. And yours are frequently instructional, so don’t hold back on our account.

  5. Don’t bottle up those rants too long, raises the blood pressure and makes you go ‘Postal’. You are to valuable to the rest of us.

  6. Done well, a good rant can be quite entertaining.

    And if nothing else, it’s “No, you’re NOT alone” signal.

    (This is how the Dilbert comic works. It’s NOT ‘funny haha’ but ‘Yeah, been there’.)

  7. All- Thanks for the support, but I’m trying to NOT use a lot of four letter words in my posts…

    Posted from my iPhone.

  8. Rants – aren’t those sort of like ‘primal screams’ or something?
    Maybe we need a ‘contest’ for a new anthem – NOPE – the one we have is just fine – anyone that doesn’t agree can sit on it.

  9. The second verse (and I can hear Herman in my head) is “Don’t know much biology…” Yep. Perfect for the woke crowd.

  10. “Woke.” Am I the only one reminded of “Deutschland Erwache” on National Socialist banners as in “Germany Awake”? I doubt that I am. Jake Tapper? Chris Cuomo? Tucker? Sean? Any news reader or spokesman in the world? Beuller? Beuller?