
Showdown on the River is now live in paperback!

As always, click the cover to get the link!

It’s going to be $11 since it is shorter than my usual novels. Anybody that wants a signed copy, throw a couple of bucks in for shipping, and email me with the inscription you want. I’ll get them out as usual, as soon as I get ‘my’ copies.

Trust me, you will get yours first…sigh…

250 sales so far, and 25 reviews, so I’m off to a decent start, considering that it is a new series and only one book so far.

Thank you to those who have left honest reviews, I truly appreciate it!!!


Finally!!! — 1 Comment

  1. 250 sales right off the bat seems impressive. Sarah Hoyt said the other day she can get 200 on most anything she puts out, but after that results vary.

    I will buy your Rimworld stuff pretty much guaranteed, though.