They died…

Attempting to defend their country. May they rest in peace in Valhalla…

I believe the Russians will pay in more blood and death in the process of stealing the Ukraine than they expected to do.

The Ukrainian government has handed out full auto AKs and other weapons to the people, including the women, many of whom are vowing to die defending their homes.

I would also point you to this post, HERE, from the Lone Star Parson about the shakeup in the Orthodox church as a result of the Ukrainian church being recognized as separate from the Russian version.


They died… — 23 Comments

  1. I’ve seen reports that three Russian choppers have gone down but who knows. Pics of one showed one of those coaxial jobs in excellent condition, as if maybe the pilot did an emergency landing? It was empty and some of the maintenance hatches were open if that means anything.

  2. Bearing in mind the fog of war, I’ve also see reports they surrendered. Like a lot of stuff these days, I find it hard to trust much the media are reporting.

  3. This is going to be an EPIC disinformation war by everyone.
    US Government
    I hear a lot of stories like the citizenry is vowing to fight to the death, handing out of weapons to everyone etc, but how are we ever going to really know what’s real?

  4. Handing out weapons is all well and good. How about ammo?

    • If they’re handing out ammo, too, will many Americans head over there? I know some who are getting pretty desperate for ammo.

  5. Where did the audio/video came from, Russia? I guess we shall see if those Ukrainians will later show up alive.

  6. Too Tall
    Feb 26 2022 at 12:24 am
    A toast times seven to a true warrior: Ukrainian Air Force Colonel Oleksanser “Grey Wolf” Oksanchenko (aka the Ghost of Kiev) who came out of retirement to fight for his country and was shot down yesterday after recording his SEVENTH air to air kill (five kills makes you an Ace) against the Russian Air Force.

    He logged one more takeoff than landing, and would not have wanted to die any other way.

    Everybody dies, not everybody lives. Colonel Oksanchenko truly lived and Valhalla welcomes him with open arms.

    It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived!– General George S. Patton

    • Died with his flight-suit on. Damn. Got me wet in the eyes, did Oleksanser did.

  7. Weapons without training, organization and logistics is at best symbolic. Showing old ladies learning to shoot for the first time maybe good for morale but reeks of desperation.

    I wish them good luck but the greatest hope for the Ukrainians maybe the demonstrations in Russia against the war.

    Those 13 Ukrainian border guards earned their place in Valhalla.

  8. Don’t forget that the Ukrainians waged guerrilla war against the Nazis, and then against the Soviets for a decade after the war ended.
    There are many dedicated Ukrainians who will fight hard.
    I suspect those shown on TV surrendering were either ethnic Russian, or city dwellers that over here we’d call soft liberals.
    I’m surprised that Russia went for the whole country; I thought they’d keep posturing or just take some of the east.

    • You can bet your last ruble that Pooty-boy decided to go whole hog after seeing just how badly we have screwed the pooch with our current readiness status…

      • Don’t forget our (American and Western European) current energy policies, which are funding Putin’s invasion.

  9. From Diogenes at Sal’s place.

    “At least the 13 Ukrainians on Snake Island got a chance to hurl contempt at the enemy that killed them; whereas the 13 Americans murdered during the Afghanistan withdrawal were slaughtered like sheep with nary a bleat. I wonder if Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be checking his watch at the ceremony when the bodies of his countrymen are repatriated?”

  10. Defiant Ukrainian border guards killed after telling Russian warship to ‘go f–k yourself’

    Fake news…?

    I think it’s about as genuine as the story about the ‘Ghost of Kyiv”video’ taken from a combat simulator. Snopes’ Dan Evon clarifies that the video in fact depicts a scene from Digital Combat Simulator, a free-to-play combat-simulation video game.

  11. All- Disinformation and the ‘fog of war’ is going to make it really hard to know the truth. And honestly, I don’t see ‘our’ media covering it fairly. I’m watching AP, UPI, and Reuters for most of my news lately.

    • Did you see the Reuters article from last December about Biden* basically offering Ukraine NATO membership? And since then the Biden* Regime has done little to deter the predictable response from Putin. WTF? After Putin and Xi, I think Biden* is the greatest threat to global peace and freedom.

  12. Thanks for the link — very important article, imo.

    Snake Island? Seems like psyop/disinfo, and there sure is lots of that… very hard to get anything like real news out of this. Of course the Russians are being very close lipped. See Twitter and Telegram for an even more confusing picture!

  13. All the skepticism of MSM and Biden admin’s but swallow alk as truth regarding Ukraine and Putin’s aims.
    No wonder we are so screwed up.p … schizos!

  14. The CIA supported the “Ukrainian Resistance” for decades after WWII. One of the MI6 liaison officers helping coordinate joint US/UK operations was, yes, Kim Philby. Tons (literally) of guns, ammo, gold coins (mainly Czarist rubles via Bank of England) and most valuable, medicine were dropped into the waiting arms of the NKVD/KGB. Agents dropped in were either shot on the spot, tortured for info and/or turned, or were double agents who got a laugh out of having the US provide transportation back to the Rodina.
    I’ve no doubt any Biden administration support to future “resistance” will be in the Billions and administered by someone named Hunter.
    Yeah, I’m a cynic. I’ve also been paying attention.