Memorial Day…

Memorial Day is for those who never made it out of their uniform. The blank check they wrote for their lives was cashed.

Hand Salute. Ready, Two!


Memorial Day… — 12 Comments

  1. We are blessed with men and women who act in good faith for the benefit of a cause greater than themselves and who sacrifice all their tomorrows for that cause.

  2. My Dad served in Korea and died in 2004. Til the day he died, there was a part of him that was still that 18 year old who served on the USS Wisconsin. Just before he passed, he told me serving was the greatest thing he ever did.

  3. It is incumbent on us to honor their sacrifice by picking up the flag and manning the line against the threats to the Republic, both foreign and, notably, domestic.

  4. My son-in-law was 100% disabled in Afghanistan (Navy). He did not die of his wounds. But he carries them with him every day. Memorial Day is not for him today, but one day it will be.