
A London furniture conservator has been credited with a crucial discovery that has helped understand why Ice Age hunter-gatherers drew cave paintings.

Ben Bacon analysed 20,000-year-old markings on the drawings, concluding they could refer to a lunar calendar.

Full article, HERE from the BBC.

You just never know who is going to come up with some ‘odd’ theory that turns out to be right… Wow!

And via the Geller Report, HERE, apparently Japan is launching an official investigation into the WuFlu vax deaths.

This could get really interesting, as the Japanese ARE very detail oriented, and patient…VERY patient…

And the military has FINALLY caught up with the civilian world on parental leave with the new NDAA!

Any service member welcoming a new child can take up to 12 weeks of parental leave in the year following, according to a congressionally mandated policy signed Thursday.

In recent years, birthing parents have received from six weeks for birthing parents while nonbirthing parents received no leave.

Full article, HERE from Military Times.


Interesting… — 5 Comments

  1. “Birthing parent” / “nonbirthing parent”
    They just can’t bring themselves to simply say “mother” and “father”. Because they’re wholly committed to Leftist insanity and reality-ignoring.

    • Most likely, though it is possible regular adoption, embryo adoption, and surrogacy may have had some influence.

  2. Isn’t it telling that even in Japan, the people RESPONSIBLE for getting others vaccinated AREN’T vaccinated.
    Like they knew in advance that it wasn’t safe…