
We just need to stop and smell the roses, so to speak…

A beautiful golden sunset last night!

I must have stood there just marvelling at Mother Nature’s light show for a good fifteen minutes.

It was peaceful, and I know I was smiling. Sometimes just being still and enjoying what is going on is enough to renew our souls and give us one of those moments of peace we all long for…


Sometimes… — 10 Comments

  1. I know the feeling.
    I really, really know the feeling.

    To look upon distance and thing not spoiled by the hand of man.

  2. Hey Old NFO;

    and you had either Coffee or a beer in your hand…so all was right in the world.

  3. The moonless night sky when the nearest land is a thousand miles away.

  4. “Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence…”
    “Desiderata,” – Max Ehrmann

    A desert sunset can really help that along.
    Stay well, everyone.

  5. The right place, the right time, the right moment, and Creation will put on quite the show if we’ll only have the willingness to stop, be still, and take it all in.

    Too often we’re too busy rushing around to enjoy the majesty an beauty around us.

    A good reminder to simply be still more often, thank you for that.

  6. Consequences of “Stopping to Smell the Roses”, is your liable smell cow manure fertilizer too.

  7. Silence is golden, unless you have small children about. Then it is cause for alarm.