Happy Easter!!!

There, I SAID that dirty word… At least in some quarters… Sigh

He is risen!!!

Happy Easter to all, and remember it is more than Easter eggs and chocolate rabbits…

Now go spend time with your loved ones!

And the obligatory cute pic…


And I truly hope you remember where you hid ALL the eggs… 😉

67 years ago, there was a different feeling toward Christianity. Good Friday, 1956, NYC.


Happy Easter!!! — 15 Comments

  1. Back in the day, we missed one. I was reading a Clancy thriller late at night, in one of the stalk-and-gunfire sections. Then – CRACK! – like a 9mm. I jumped, into the aroma, and realized what really happened.

    Happy Easter, all! He is Risen. Alleluia.

  2. He is risen indeed, and a happy Eostre to my pagan friends.