Six billion dollars…

Is how much the Bud Lite fiasco has cost Anheuser Busch.  So far…

Bud Light has had a heck of a month of April. First, we learned that the beer giant created and sent specialty cans to trans dude Dylan Mulvaney to celebrate his “365 days of being a girl.” The backlash happened so fast that everybody at Bud Light’s parent company Anheuser-Busch is probably still wearing neck braces. 

Full article, HERE.

And a friend sent this from a store in Europe…

Note the price differential… Almost 66% cheaper than an ‘inexpensive’ European beer… Ouch…


Six billion dollars… — 19 Comments

  1. Both beers are “owned” by InBev. I am not buying anything owned by InBev. When I boycott something, I go all out. Hit the whole company where it hurts, the bankroll!

  2. That $6 Billion is on paper. When/If the stock price comes back up that “lost” money will magically reappear. Only a fool would sell their AB stocks right now. Because eventually something will come along to distract the consumer, they’ll forget this fiasco and go right back to buying AB products. The only people who “lose” money during something like this are the ones who panic and sell the stock.
    The only way the loss becomes real is if enough people stop buying the product that the company goes belly up. Might happen to some companies but not likely to happen to one as big, diverse and widely marketed as Anheuser-Busch.

  3. Well, I for one think they were brave to do what they did!
    Brave, like the second lieutenant who sticks his head up out of the foxhole to see where the bullets are coming from.
    “Dammit, LT, keep yore head down..”

  4. All this over a “beverage” that apparently was rescued from the drains in a stable then watered down. As far as the trans fad,
    I might be old, but I know I’m a man and my woman knows she’s a woman and we’re damn glad of it.

  5. Back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and real beer was unavailable, I tried to drink Bud, but couldn’t get over the headaches it gave me.
    I finally found out that Bud used rice in their brew, and that Miller did not.

    We used to drink the 7 oz Millers with salt in summer in Louisiana. Pour the salt in, let it start foaming, and knock it down.

  6. When I drink beer now, I drink real beer, usually a Scots Ale or a Porter.

  7. What language are those signs written in (other than the English words)? It doesn’t look like any European character set I’ve seen — not Cyrillic, nor Greek, but what? Basque, maybe?

    • Took some digging an a little luck with Google Translate but … its Armenian.

  8. This is an example of “A Trans Too Far.” The pushback has been building and now Bud and Nike are discovering that narrowing one’s view to a narrow causeway of mental illness and pandering rather than concentrating across a wide front results in a very bad outcome.

    Monty found out over a heap of English, Polish and American dead. Now Bud and Nike are FAFOing.

  9. Back when I drank beer, it was never Bud or Coors. I may have drank one “light” beer. When I buy beer it is usually Rainier.

    Dan is correct in his observation. Still, a lesson in, “Go Woke go Broke”.

  10. Right now I’m a cranky old dude, and IF I drink beer it will be something good. Hell, even when I was a broke cranky young dude I didn’t drink that swill.

    On another note, when visiting PR our hosts bought us Coors beer… because was the fancy imported American beer. I still laugh over that.

  11. I think Mulvaney is a perfect choice for Bud Light. He’s a man pretending to be a woman; it’s a liquid pretending to be a beer.

  12. Many conservatives have VERY LONG memories, so once they “cancel” something it may stay canceled for DECADES. Smith & Wesson and its parent company of the time MTD, Levi’s and Jordache jeans during the college campus “Coming Out”/Pride days of the ’80s, Gillette’s insult to men – and now this. Coors is not an option, they caucused with the perverts in the ’90s. The bad guys have a finger in Kirin too, so it’s Sapporo or Asahi when I want Japanese beer. For domestics, I’m switching to Shiner’s and may give Yuengling a try if I see it.

  13. All- Interesting ‘takes’ on the situation, and thanks for keeping it polite! Yes, Armenian is the language. And the exchange rate is 388=$1

  14. One of my buddy’s may decide to make hay while the sun shines. He claims Stella is one of his favorites and if the price drops enough – he’s in ! He loves beer – so strange he still maintains his weight.

    Apparently, choice of beer is over riding his judgement but it’s his choice.

  15. Apparently, the marketers at AB took a look at the “New Coke” campaign, and metaphorically said, ” Hold my beer ” !