Gone shooting…

Taught a basic pistol class yesterday, taking the folks to the range today…

Yes, at least a couple of them will probably go on to get their LTCs to be able to protect themselves, considering what is happening these days.

Gun control means hitting what one is aiming at!

Gone shooting 2

Go read the folks on the sidebar, they write GUD! 🙂

Re yet another ‘mass’ shooting in the past two weeks, does anybody beside me wonder ‘what’ is prompting these?

The ‘motivations’ seem to not get reported, screeds hidden, manifestos never published, etc. And depending on the ethnicity/background of the shooter, it quickly disappears from the media unless it ‘fits’ the left’s agenda…

Curiouser and curiouser…


Gone shooting… — 11 Comments

  1. Hey Old NFO;

    Yeah the shooting in Atlanta was a black dude who complained about his medication he was on and asked for help and the Hospital and “Powers That Be” blew him off so he came back pissed. So of course, the screed was “evil gun” and the story vanished after one day here in the local area except for the casualty count and the “evvvil Gun”

    • @Bob
      You forgot to mention it happened in a “gun free zone”.

  2. Not “what” is prompting these but “who”. The timing and circumstances of the mall shooting raise lots of questions that need to be answered. It’s as if there are sleepers being activated.

  3. Curiouser and curiouser indeed.

    On Thursday 5/4, the city of Dallas suffered a ransomware attack. Online services down. 911 dispatch computers down. The Tactcal Hermit asks the question–

    “Malware took down the Dallas Police Computers so there are no records of ‘need for service’ calls for the past few weeks?”

    Reminds me of the line by Luis Chama (John Saxon) in the movie “Joe Kidd”, as he puts a match to legal papers, “Chu know, there was a fire…”.

    LTC. I have one, although as I understand current Texas law, an LTC is no longer required. I would make the point that even so, if you wind up in court, you will likely wish you had one.

    Good on ya lad for helping some folks out.

  4. And I’ll be off in an hour for the Hillsdale Range where I’ll be supervising the 100 yard line. Have a great day.

  5. Enjoy your day at the range – I get to do labor around the house today…

  6. Bob/T-sq- Good points!

    Boat- Makes you wonder, doesn’t it…

    RHT- That ransomware attack has been kept pretty quiet… Interesting…

    Jim- Enjoy!

    Tom- That’s tomorrow for me.

  7. Keep everyone’s eye’s on “gun” violence in TEXAS as 700K “migrants” get ready to storm our border at the behest of Traitor Joe Biden… IN TEXAS… …HMMMM…

    As they say, when “the government” says you don’t need a gun, …YOU NEED A GUN!

  8. Plenty of reasons why these happen. Mentally ill people allowed to wander the streets, illegal invaders imported along with their violent tendencies, widespread drug usage, politically motivated violence and garden variety criminals.

    But…here is no doubt that there are paid government employees frequenting websites like reddit, 4chan and other sites the attract the more deranged portion of society. They post on these sites encouraging violent actions. In some cases it appears they are actively aiding shooters by providing advice, expertise and financial aid to facilitate the acquisition of VERY expensive firearms for use in these events. Even if less than 1% of the people these government plants encourage go on to actually act out that’s a LOT of crazy people pushed overthe edge deliberately. Some of these unemployed economically disadvantaged shooters are carrying THOUSANDS of dollars worth of expensive gear. People who lived paycheck to paycheck…that money had to come from someone.

    Can this be proven? Unlikely. Doesn’t mean it cannot and is not happening. Constant mass shootings provide an endless stream of propaganda for the gun grabbers. Expect these events to continue…and increase in frequency. The criminals in power don’t care how many innocents die. All that matters is their goal of disarming the honest citizens so they can rule with impunity.

  9. Tom M- Agreed!

    Dan- Interesting direction there… Hadn’t look at it from that angle. Thanks!