Home sweet home!!!

Back safe, no hits, no runs, no errors, and NO TICKETS 1943 miles later!

Saw a ‘few’ weird things on the trips to and from Louisville…

This is actually a golf cart, redone with a Bronco body!

Pretty cute and expensive as hell, I’m sure!

The other oddity was an older Honda Civic in St. Louis with a ‘funky’ antenna sticking out the back door’s window. Got up next to it and realized it was an over the air TV antenna (normally seen in the home), attached to the top of the window. Got up next to the passenger’s side window and they’d ‘molded’ a little color TV into the middle of the dash, and were watching TV as they went down the road!

Needless to say, I got WELL clear of them as soon as I could!

And I hit some weather Sunday evening south of St. Louis going through the hills. I was tired and saw a semi going up the hill ahead of me ‘wiggle’… then disappear…

Me- “Huh, that’s…odd. I wonder… OH CHIT! RAIN!!! And WIND!!!

Managed to hit the brakes about the time the wind slapped me over a lane and the road ‘disappeared’! I could see maybe 100′, was doing about 40MPH and trying to figure out where I wanted to be, what was in front of me, and what was crawling up my butt that I couldn’t see.

Finally decided to stay where I was, stayed at about 40MPH and watched all three mirrors, the road, and the white stripe to stay in my lane all at the same time… After about 3 miles (guessing), it moderated to the point I could see a good bit, eased over in the right lane and stayed there until the rains stopped. Only saw one accident in that stretch, and I’m betting the semi hit the ditch to keep from hitting a car.

Oh yeah, and the books I wanted to take with me to Imaginarium got delivered on Saturday… sigh

But the proofs for Rimworld- Diversions showed up yesterday!

I’ll be sending copies to the editor and the artist for their approvals.


Home sweet home!!! — 8 Comments

  1. Close call on the rainy road. I go white knuckle fast when the window wipers can’t keep up with the rainfall. Glad to hear you made it back safe and sound.

    That was one helluva road trip.

    • Got my comeuppance once in Florida. For decades as a Rocky Mountain inhabitant I sneered at the damn tourists who couldn’t drive in a blizzard.

      Going North on I-75 near Ft Meyers hit rain so intense the wipers couldn’t keep up. Made it over to the breakdown lane and stopped with my emergency flashers on. Those Florida drivers seemly never slowed down.

  2. It’s like Melvin from MHI is the one in charge of the schedule for shipping out proof-copies.

    • Meant to write “shipping out books for conventions.”

      I obviously need less blood in my caffeine stream when I post in the morning.

  3. Happy you made it home safe. Rest and recover from the trip!