Oh my…

Reality is slapping some of those ‘sanctuary cities’ upside the head…

It’s the most underreported story of the decade. And that’s just the way the Biden administration wants it.

The border crisis has moved north into Democratic-run big cities like New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Philadelphia. The illegal aliens are filling up homeless shelters and are being stuffed into makeshift shelters like schools and empty buildings as Democratic mayors scramble to prevent a humanitarian crisis in their cities.

The much-touted “Sanctuary Cities” are anything but, as New York City Mayor Eric Adams is proving with his latest effort to stem the flow of illegals into his town.

Full article, HERE from PJ Media.

Apparently it’s fine if the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Florida cities get overrun, but NIMBY is in effect for those blue cities…

Hypocrisy much???


Oh my… — 19 Comments

  1. What else would you expect fron the leftist loonies running these cities? They can thank THEIR lonnie running things out of the White House for the mess Biden is making of America!

  2. I first ran into NIMBY at college. A buddy was from Maryland. He told me some stories, and I realized there is a real big difference between me and yankee. Down south, we saw color in the group, but accepted the individual. Up there, they saw color in the individual, but accepted the group. (just my opinion, but it seemed to make sense)

    I remember how weird it was to hear him say things that fit NIMBY perfectly. I’d never heard anyone talk like that before.

    • Having spent over 30 years in the nuclear industry NIMBY has been a fact of life for my entire career. Sadly, even otherwise sane people have succumbed to the lies and propaganda of the media, and those wanting to return the US to a pre 19th century economy. I must say, that at my advanced age, I am inclined to say F California New York, Massachusetts, et. al. and let them freeze or bake in the dark.

      • I’m a big fan of nuclear and have been stating for a long time that both Canada and the USA need to build a lot more of these, and needed to have been on that project two decades ago. Of course they aren’t, and time, population size, and demand marches on and upward, and you can’t conserve yourself into new production. (I’m betting this is a preacher/choir moment here.) 😉

        NIMBYs are … Oh I could rant here, but it all boils down to the fact that they need to be taken out back of the shed and horsewhipped a few times and told to shut up because they’re interrupting the adults who are trying to run society (those that haven’t become completely fed up and retired out.)

        Wind and Solar are the NIMBYs’ hobby-farm scale cute little projects, but that’s where those projects belong. Scottsbluff, Nebraska after the storms on June 23, 2023: https://tinyurl.com/58s9em6e

        And that was generating only 5.2 megawatts, or 1/2 of one percent of what a single nuclear reactor could. (Yeah yeah, preacher, choir.)

        Also, hello! I saw your name here a couple of weeks ago, as well as a comment thrown into the chat at the Blanket Fort. Hope to see you around, and I’ll just warn you now that tuning into the Blanket Fort is addictive. 😉

  3. “Costs for thee, but not for me”.

    Leftists and locust swarms, but I repeat myself.

  4. I live about two hours north of the city and for the last six weeks there have been literally convoys of those big tour buses going up I-684, to “upstate”. Anywhere in the state where there are motels, the third world garbage is being dropped there.
    Fortunately where I live there are no hotels/motels/BnB’s, so the caravans go on by, but I have a friend who has property in the Catskills and she tells me that they are now showing up there. One of her neighbors called her to let her know that a group of six were trying to break into her cabin on her property. The local sheriff were able to grab a few of them, but they’ll be back on the street in no time, free to do it again. Those aiding and abetting this invasion – and yes, this IS an invasion – are guilty of crimes against the republic.

  5. John- I just think it’s funny that it is now biting THEM in the ass!

    STx- Good point!

    NRW- Oh yeah, you’ve been in the ‘middle’ of that crap…sorry.

    Ag- Concur!

    Steve- Ouch, that truly sucks.

  6. I’m torn.
    I once asked a nuclear “Expert” how long the waste would be dangerous to human life. His answer?
    I swear he was a democrat. He danced around like Fred Astaire.
    (It’s tens of thousands of years. {Hundreds of thousands?}
    That’s the reason no one wants it “Nimby”.)
    I’ll take coal, thank you.

    • Two questions.
      1. How long ago and WRT which nuclear technology was this discussion about?
      2. Did you ask him what the options were for waste disposal.

      Lack of affordable power is a “threat to human life”, and kills millions of people every year. No, that is not hyperbole….. So it is not just that nuclear waste is dangerous, that it might be less dangerous than some alternatives.

      There is not a lot of it. We have some very deep mines in some very geographically stable continents. We could do worse.

      Not that I’m in a panic over coal.

    • Unfortunately there are ill-educated people among us who hear that something has a half-life of thousands of years and think that means it’s “More radioactive”. Nah, it’s the stuff with really short half lives that are “Hot”. A few grams of Cobalt 60 will roast you a lot faster than a few tons of Uranium.

  7. Nuclear waste eventually decays down to below background radiation levels, the longest lasting isotopes are the least radioactive (inverse relationship) so the rad hazard drops pretty quickly.

    We have the technology to glassify high-level waste and encase it in stainless steel, and the Yucca Mountain repository would keep it high and dry and hard to access for millennia. Low level waste isn’t a problem.

    Nimby’s thing power reactors are bombs in buckets, plus they don’t grok what half-life and decay chains mean for nuclear waste.

  8. GB- Actually, just read Rick T’s response, he saved me the time and effort…

    Rick- Thanks!

  9. Hypocrisy is their default mode.

    Leftists talk a lot about “sharing” and “caring”, but what they really mean is that they get to dictate what that means, while others have to actually DO it.

    Being dictators is their end-game. They “think” that they will be wise and benevolent dictators, just like every other utopian regime, but make no mistake, they intend to rule, and they intend to use violence against those who don’t comply.

  10. Additional on the nuclear waste issue: There’s been talk about Sodium Cooled Fast Reactors as a way to get more out of what is considered “spent fuel”. It’s an interesting idea. It certainly beats letting the radioactive pellets in fuel rods that were already used up to a point just sit around in shielded secure storage.

    • AT.

      All these things are relative. There is no such thing as a perfect system, so accepting “good enough” is better than letting millions of people die avoidable deaths, or billions more live in poverty.

      …. Even if it does mean storing a few tons of spent fuel, deep in some hole, somewhere.

      To borrow a phrase, “There are no solutions, only tradeoffs.” Which tradeoff are you prepared to accept?

  11. Peter- Excellent point!

    Ag- Heard of that, but haven’t seen any movement per se on that avenue.

    • Re alternate designs or nuclear fuel cycles: There have been lots of discussions and design studies for alternate reactor designs like liquid metal cooled or thorium cycle but doing full scale test plants takes money only the Dept of Energy can really provide plus they control the test sites like INEL. The political winds are against nuclear so the gatekeeper has no incentive to fund or support any but the most limited testing.

      Maybe if one of the Internet billionaires got interested we could have the nuclear power equivalent of SpaceX, but until then new designs are 20 years away and will stay that way (just like hot fusion has been).