
Well, I think the first quarterly get together of the North Texas Troublemakers at our little local ‘social event center’ was a success…

The ‘start’ of the food line… which wrapped into the kitchen, then back out…

And the ‘lighter stuff… and more food, and desserts…

30+ folks showed up, chatted, ate too much, cussed and discussed writing and a number of ‘other’ things, and I think everyone had a good time! Many thanks to those who made/brought food! I had ‘thought’ we would have to go get meat, but would probably have 42 desserts…

Not with this crowd! Everything from brisket, pulled pork, smoked chicken, to cabbage rolls, and plenty of trimmings!!! And only a few desserts!!! LOL

And thanks to all who helped clean up afterward!


Burp… — 9 Comments

  1. I noticed there were no skinny people (other than a child) visible in the picture.

    It’s wonderful for like minded friends to get together like this. Glad that the meat category was not under represented.

  2. Sounds like you had a great time, I know the big gathering bbq at Boomershoot in April/May time frame is also a great time with good people, last year IIRC we had something like 75lbs of smoked/bbq/grilled meat, it was Epic.

  3. Feral- We’re old, fat, and slow… LOL

    LL- It was great food!

    Dag- Yes sir, one of these years I’m going to make that one!

  4. That cucumber food in the white bowl, made my mouth water. That stuff is very gooooood!