Just another CI…

If there was any doubt that Ray Epps was a confidential informant for the feds…

Ray Epps, the only person who was captured on video actually telling people to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6. 2021, has just been recommended for a six-month sentence, while others who entered the Capitol when police opened the doors for them and walked around for awhile taking selfies are facing years in prison. What’s going on here? The most obvious explanation is that Ray Epps is or was a fed, and a leader of efforts to fabricate a Jan. 6 “insurrection” in order to frame and destroy Donald Trump. But surely the leftist elites wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing, would they?

Full article, HERE.

This isn’t the first time, and probably won’t be the last time a CI has been in the middle of an ‘incident’… Garland, Texas HERE, the Minnesota governor kidnapping HERE, and numerous other cases.

It was interesting how ‘quickly’ Epps disappeared from any charge sheets after the demonstration, and suddenly showed up as a witness for the government, and on TV talking about it while everybody else languishes in jail or has gotten long prison terms (some up to 18 years), yet he didn’t spend any time in jail or was arraigned in the original filings, even after being filmed exhorting people to go into the Capitol.

And we all know the Jan 6 investigation was staged by the dems and a couple of RINOs and ‘produced’ for television by a literal television producer!

I don’t know about anybody else, but what little faith I had in .gov law enforcement of any type has fallen into the negative numbers at this point…



Just another CI… — 23 Comments

  1. Michigan Gov “kidnapping.” Minnesota hasn’t had such (good|bad) luck… _yet_.

  2. Just another example of the lies, misinformation, disinformation, more lies and misdirection vomiting forth from ‘our’ government. from where I sit, the barrage of pure unadulterated bullshit is colossal. Covid, the border, elections, the economy, climate change, and on and on.
    No wonder they hate Trump with a virulence bordering upon insanity.

  3. Hey Old NFO;

    I have absolutely no faith in the federal .gov law enforcements, especially after Obungler. I had faith in them in the 1980’s but the Clinton whitehouse DOJ nonsense started it and Obungler put the big fat cherry on it. Now it is a big fat “nope”, as far as I am concerned…they have an agenda first, protecting their donk masters, finding the truth second.

  4. As long as we don’t burn down cities in protest, there will be no justice.

    As long as we don’t hang them from street lights, there will be no justice.

    The Left has shown us the way. “No justice, no peace!” works.

    Always remember – politics is war by other means.

  5. I would call him an Agent Provocateur as opposed to a confidential informant. One is trying to incite others to do illegal actions, and the other is spying.

    Which is not to say there weren’t informants as well. Like cockroaches, when you see one, there are a bunch you don’t see.

  6. At the time, I looked at the whole Jan 6th “insurrection” as a “Reichstag Fire” event. I.e. a set-up by one party as an excuse to vilify others and take extra-constitutional actions against their political enemies. Nothing I’ve seen in the subsequent 3 years has changed my mind.

    After the election, I expect China Joe (win or lose) to pardon Epps. My opinion is that this is only being done to satisfy the media so they will have a reason to keep beating the drum that it was all Trump’s fault.

  7. If you are an Agent Provocateur, then maybe you take the six months (which probably won’t happen) as part of the job, perhaps even seeing some remuneration for it.
    It doesn’t appear as if he’s on the payroll of FedGov Inc.

    If he’s a CI, then he should only be asked about what he’d seen or heard. I don’t see that happening.

    Either way, I assume he will not actually serve a day, and since it’s not a felony: no harm, no foul.

    What was his motive? Was there money?

  8. As noted, Michigan governor Whitman (or, as my sister refers to her, that woman), not mines governor walz.
    Not that there’s that much difference between the two.

  9. Remember the “Waffle House 3”? Four old farts talking ‘treason’ during Obama’s first term, one of them gets jammed up on tax issues and the issues ‘disappear’ once he turns on the other 3 to the FBI and Homeland Security.

    I went to a private CCW class and get-together that was actually a ‘militiafest.’ First thing the organizer said was that of the 20ish people there, at least 5 were informers and there was a suspicious camper parked across the street. No treason talked about, no anti-government anything. Just people talking about how to protect themselves during hurricanes and civil unrest.

    Sure enough, one month later, in the Southern Poverty Law Center ‘intelligence magazine’ (where if you’re white, married, Christian and straight you are a radical hater) there was a 4 paragraph writeup on the aforementioned ‘militiafest.’

    One guy took umbrage over my wife’s Star of David. When I asked the friend about him, he said the guy was probably a fed trying to stir up something. My wife should have just rolled over him with her powered chair…

  10. All- Good points, and regardless of the ‘intent’ of the undercover, they are all called ‘CIs’ to confuse any FOIA requests…

  11. I have heard that Epps was moved/relocated by the FBI from Nevada to Belize. I don’t know that it’s true. He definitely was relocated from Arizona to Nevada by the FBI.

  12. When I was at FLETC in ’83 an instructor warned us “Never accept an ‘invitation’ to an FBI task force. They either need some info you’ve got or they want a fall guy when they fu*k up.”

  13. The left do things like this for a simple reason. Because they can. They suffer zero consequences for their abusive, evil malevolent conduct. And until that fact changes expect more of the same.

  14. Let’s face it, at this point DOJ and FBI are clearly among the primary domestic enemies of the Constitution and the republic. It might have been debatable in earlier decades, but the masks have dropped.

  15. Organizations are never as uniform as the left beleives.

    Left believes that there are aggregate behavior rules or principles that hold as anything but an emergent property of individual choices.

    Much of their magical thinking is of this flavor of notion.

    Concerns are appropriate, yes. But the step from ‘there are concerns about this organization’ to ‘everyone in this organization must be an enemy’ is probably often also a step towards defeatism.

    Okay, do not unnecessarily and carelessly trust. But also, be open to being surprised.

  16. 6 months..yeah right.
    In the front gate out the back gate within the same hr.
    They aren’t foolin anyone

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