
Who’d a thunk it? And ohhh… look when it was commissioned!

Service members don’t participate in violent extremism at higher rates than the rest of the U.S. population, but former troops do — and their involvement is growing, according to research published at the end of December.

According to the report, which was commissioned by the Defense Department, anecdotal accounts of service members being involved in violent extremism create a false impression that it’s an outsized problem. Those accounts often fail to differentiate between current service members and former troops, a demographic found to participate in violent extremism at higher rates, the research states.

Full article, HERE from Military Times (which is NOT a friendly publication to the military)…

I find it interesting that 18 months AFTER it was completed, it was finally approved by DOD just after Christmas. Makes me wonder how many rewrites went on in that time period?

And of course, it’s the veterans’ faults as usual… sigh…

Something about us and our oaths maybe? This part?

…I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same…

And the fact that we are more patriotic than the left/dems/etc.

I dunno… sigh



Huh… — 19 Comments

  1. Respecting the Constitution is now “violent extremism”.
    Saying “It’s okay to be white.” is now violent extremism.
    American values are now “violent extremism”.
    Not voting Democrat is now “violent extremism”.

  2. Hey Old NFO;

    I realized that the “Military times” wasn’t a friend of the Military when they kept parroting the Donk party line a few years back and the editorial sections kept calling them out on it except for some sycophant’s looking to suck up hoping for some more rank. Extremism..whodda thunk it…perhaps when we veterans wee what we have fought and our friends have died to see it pissed upon kinda makes us “grumpy”.

  3. I took that oath some 60 years ago. I don’t recall that there was
    an expiration date. Back then, men were men and the women were glad of it. Today, I’m a far-right extremist, racist, fascist, sexist, white supremacist with a hate filled agenda.

  4. Not forgetting those jackwipes consider simply voicing an opinion to be ‘violent extremist action’.

    It’s lies, top to bottom and side to side.

  5. Oath with no expiration date in 8/63, still have ID (retired), and still getting pay (retired), so 3 reasons to believe in its longevity.

    Heh. Last week I ran across pic of me boarding the train from LA to CA for deployment to Vietnam in ’66. Really, who the hell was that kid?!

    • Thank you for coming back alive and not dying for corporate profits. I took the oath fresh outta high school, 29/7/69. I’m just a youngster.
      If living long enough to see through the deceptions makes one an extremist, I understand why there’s so many extremists. Extremism in the name of freedom, is duty. The duty we took the oath for. Does this elevate my status on “The Lists”?

  6. From the Ministry of Truth
    Veterans preference becomes veterans problematic.

    Double good new speak!

  7. Remember when they tried to take ALL veteran’s 2nd Amendment rights away because ‘veterans are all violent killers and mentally unstable’ a few years back under Obama?
    Looks like they’re bring that back!
    Which shows that they’re not just worried about citizens having firearms, they’re also worried about those citizens who just might know how to use them.

    Hey, I don’t think I can hear the canary anymore, can you?

    • Yeah, pretty sure the canary is dead.

  8. Gee, took that Oath back on Dec 12, 1984 and, to the best of my recollection there was no expy date mentioned NOR has anyone relieved me of that Oath.

  9. June 24th, 1960 for me. Still in effect. Told my bride it will be the end if “they” come for mine.

  10. All- Thank you, and yes, we’re all thinking the same thing… John, I remember that, and sitting with the local sheriff and chief of police and asking them IF they were going to enforce it. The sheriff was former Marine Recon, and the chief was a former Ranger… The language was…epic! 🙂

  11. We took the oath and they trained us to do stuff.
    They might regret that last part.

  12. Any “report” promulgated by the Fed Gov is automatically assumed to be leftist propaganda. Because 99% of it is.