Ye Ghods and little fishes…

Edited to fix the link! Sorry about that!

This is… just go read it for yourselves…

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there is no dispute about the benefits of breastfeeding an infant. “Most health professionals are familiar with the benefits of breastfeeding,” the organization says on its website. “The AAP continues to support the unequivocal evidence that breastfeeding protects against a variety of diseases and conditions.”

However, according to leftist academics, breastfeeding is “ethically problematic.” Want to guess why?

Full article, HERE.

The stoopid is strong with this one! I literally don’t know what to say!


Ye Ghods and little fishes… — 18 Comments

  1. I raise sheep and every season end up with some bottle babies. I have colostrum and powdered milk to supply, but the bottle babies reliably end up smaller than the other lambs.

    I also raise cattle. One study found calves supplied with clean water put on 50lbs more than those drinking ground water. My cows drink city water. My supposition is their immune system has a lot less work so they can spend more energy growing. I let my moms ween the babies unless the calf is taking the mom thin. Fresh milk is highly nutritious as evidenced by how much weight mom looses producing it. OBTW I saw somewhere the best weight loss for new human moms is to breastfeed. As I recall the screeching started asap.

    Being a man no woman will believe me, but I offer such evidence as my lying eyes provide.

  2. I guess women shouldn’t breastfeed because not everyone can.

  3. I’m old enough to remember when doctors et. al. were actively pushing breast feeding as healthier and more natural than formula. At that time bottle feeding with formula was widely done primarily for convenience. Many $$$ were spent on advertising to convince new moms to breast-feed. Now it’s unethical, sheesh.

  4. All- Thanks and yes, the ‘political’ winds do shift, as do their agendas… And we know what happened 2 years ago with the issues with lack of baby formula! Xoph, you are correct! But the left will say “How can you compare sheep and cows to humans! The shame!!!” /sarc

    • Why not? They think humans are just another animal.
      Actually, some of them think they are cows. Or cats.

    • I compare much of the Left with sheep all the time.

    • Goat milk is a better equivalent to human milk than cow milk.

      Just saying.

      And the world is stupid.

  5. Hopkins and Penn must be in almighty hurries to shake that Tier 1 medicine reputation.

    Wonder how many babies those two “doctors” had? Cull the herd much?

  6. Jesus H Christ on a Pogo stick… Will this Bull—t ever end ?

  7. Standard progressive ideology.

    “Change is good.
    Results are irrelevant, and other people will pay….”

  8. These people are not “stoolie”. They are evil. Never forget that. What’s happening is part of a plan.

  9. There is a reason that mother’s breastfeed and have since day one. There’s a dispute when day one was, but many generations have breastfed. Good for mom, good for baby.

  10. As a female engineer, I have to put my two sense in. Sorry guys, but breastfeeding is what boobs were made for. God didn’t have two plastic bottles grow from women’s chest, right?

  11. Oh, this will get a rise out ya.
    Wasn’t it a thing, for the slave owners to have a wet nurse (Mammy’s)around to feed the white baby if the mom was not able to produce? Or is history racist in this case?