Here we go…


A Department of Defense (DOD) office invited two experts to discuss their new book on far-right terrorism in the U.S. as part of a new series featuring guest speakers, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The invitation appeared to go out via email to “all” staff of SO/LIC, the acronym for the Pentagon’s office overseeing special operations and irregular warfare, according to screenshots obtained exclusively by the DCNF. Bruce Hoffman, a professor at Georgetown University and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Jacob Ware, a research fellow at CFR, were scheduled Tuesday to present their book, which traces right-wing domestic terrorism through U.S history, including the Ku Klux Klan and groups involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol riots seeking to reverse the 2020 election. 

Full article, HERE.

I haven’t bothered to read it, so I’m not sure if us veterans are once again being made the boogeyman like the last go round…

It IS interesting that these authors are being brought in to brief Special Ops/IW folks, since this definite smacks of Posse Comitatus…

But given the fact that the FBI, DOJ, and IRS have all apparently been ‘weaponized’ by this administration, what’s one more???

Glad I’m an old man.


Here we go… — 28 Comments

  1. Ahhh, the shitshow is just beginning. The powers that be are winding up for the up n coming elections, each with their own brand of bullshit and fear mongering. Neither side worse or better than the other, but both bound upon dividing our country.
    Each side bent upon installing their brand of liars, cheats and corrupticrats.
    I want two constitutional amendments, First, TERM LIMITS. Two terms as senator, four as representatives, the OUT and precluded from ANY job dealing with the government.
    Second, a rule, law, whatever, that when any politician is caught lying, an immediate dismissal from whatever office and precluded from EVER serving in the public domain.
    Its understood that with rule 2, Washington would be a ghost town within a week or two.

  2. I always love it when they call communist and socialist and fascist terrorism ‘Right Wing’. These people are to the left of Stalin.
    When was the last time we truly had any ‘right wing’ terrorism in this country?
    The KKK were democrats – they were about as left as it gets.

    • Aside from a small number of abortion clinic bombings and maybe the OKC bombing decades ago, I really can’t think of anything in my lifetime.

      • I’m pretty sure the OKC bombing was done by the government.
        Have you EVER seen anyone found guilty and executed that fast?

    • The Left/Right dichotomy is a false one.

      Ask yourself whether anyone who wants to be less like Stalin is becoming more like Hitler.

      There are multiple measures.
      From authoritarian to libertarian.
      From Conservative to progressive.
      From Group identity to individual identity.
      From aggressive to pacifist.

      Trying to fit all these metrics onto a simple linear scale is impractical and dishonest.

      • Not really. Left means more government control and less individual responsibility.
        Right means less government control and more individual responsibility.

        • Errrr…… No. no it doesn’t.

          Like I *said*, there are too many metrics to fit on a single axis, and it doesn’t work in practice.

  3. The far left Democrats that control our government agencies are always trying to paint the vets as the enemy of democracy. First of all I am tired of them describing America as a democracy. America is a representative REPUBLIC! A democracy is rule by the majority over the minority and that is not the United States of America. Our founders were dead set against that type of governing. Anyway I digress, during and after the Vietnam fiasco the vets were looked down on and accused of atrocities that were never committed. Now the vets are accused of being right wing terrorists. I would like to see those on the far left endure what our vets have had to endure to protect these paranoid left wing wimps.

    • Sorry, but wrong.

      Democracy and Republic mean the same thing in two different languages. (Greek and Latin). Rule by the People and the ability to change Government peacefully. There is nothing magic about applying a Latin tag instead of one in another language.

      BOTH of them require laws and customs to prevent them from being simple majority-rule or mob rule. BOTH of them require respect for the Rights of the individual (the smallest minority) in order to function.

      As an aside, “Commonwealth” is another word for a very similar principle, which comes from the Old English which is rooted in Germanic languages.

      You’d be more sensible to focus on the failure of the “Left/Right” model of politics to properly describe the multiple factors in the political spectrum. It simply is not honest to argue that anyone trying to become less like Stalin, is becoming more like Hitler. They are not opposites.

        • Nope. There are more variables to political theory than just those two, despite their importance.

        • Simply saying that, does not make it true. We are discussing reality, not fiction.

          Most of the world’s people live in Republics that are neither democratic, nor individualist. America is not so special that you get to choose what is and isn’t.

          ….and be careful in any response you are tempted to make. There is often more similarity between the US and nations that do not call themselves Republics, than those that do.

  4. I don’t like going to fkn Walmart , be damned if I’d get off my ass to got to some fkn terrorist meeting . I’d rather stay at home safe and bored sippin J Beam and watching Gunsmoke . These geniuses overestimate this vet . Ha !

  5. Terrorists my Ass !! Sounds like the infamous MIAC Report ginned up by the Missouri State Highway Patrol some years ago . Pinging people for bumper stickers (of which I have none) .

  6. time to lube up the tools of defense and make sure the powder is dry. Warning RED, weapons tight (for now!)

  7. I’m still hung up on the fact that they still call it “Low Intensity Conflict”.
    Which is not necessarily “irregular warfare”, by the way.

    As far as the briefing goes, Bidens politruks can blather all they want, doesn’t mean any warriors will pay attention.

  8. Academic theories of human behavior are often likely heavily crock.

    Theory of left/right political classification is fairly suspect.

    Is it always wrong, or it is only sometimes applied in absurd, nonsensical ways?

    I prefer to try to classify people into groups depending on somethign that is not really observable, measureable, or testable. Which is, kinds of thinking they weight heavily.

    If you listen to someone for years talking about their thinking or feeling, some of those claims are probably true to their experiences. ‘Which ones?’ is a skill, unreliable, and an art.

    The Ku Klux Klan? Small d democrats, and large D Democrat Party partisans. Classing as right wing is a little interesting, but is I think mostly a result of using criteria possibly important for foreign populations, and deliberately ignoring distinctions in thinking between US persons.

    A lot of other stuff is like Stalin saying that Stalin’s peers and competitors were ‘right wing’. IE, for Stalin right wing purely means neither Stalin, nor one of Stalin’s minions currently in good standing. Nazism, Fascism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, communisms, etc. have in common that they are cults about the idea of Power, work very large group ritual magics, and are certain of obtaining results in this world. Classifying these with the traditional ‘negative’ Christianities, with the focus on results measureable in the next world, seems like a huge mistake.

    Are the Critical Race Theorist cheerled ‘Black Lives Matter’ white supremacists, or at they opposed to white supremacy? The CRT ‘scholars’ say opposed to white supremacism. However, the CRT scholars also assert that generational poverty is a result of various race riots of the 1920s and 1930s, that burned down black neighborhoods, and that those riots were white supremacy. How burning down black neighborhoods in 2020 for the sake of putting Biden in office is not then white supremacism escapes me.

    As for January 6th? If a large enough mob hung congress, it would be the very essence of democracy. Supposing that it would be necessarily wrong to irregularly hang congress requires first selecting the theory of a republic. In which case, we would not be prepared to resolve those disputes while we are in the process of issuing bills of attainder via star chambers. It very much seems as if the congessional Democrat supported Nancy Pelosi, then Speaker, used her authority over the Capitol Police to stage manage an incident that was also intended to do something to Mitch McConnell. It seems to have failed precisely because Trump, and Trump’s supporters, are more civilized and more republican than she at all thought was possible.

    But, yeah, Special Agent in Charge Hitler, of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is seriously investigating the causes of the Reichstag fire. His conclusion that it was communists, and not at all a false flag by the NSDAP, is completely beyond contention.

    • There are multiple variabilities.

      Authoritarian to Libertarian.
      Group identity to Individual identity.
      Progressive to Conservative.
      Aggressive to Pacific.

      You cannot fit these variables onto a single-axis model they do not sit on a straight line.

      The other fallacy is being distracted by superficial differences and ignoring the fundamentals. If a minority is being slaughtered, does it really matter to that minority whether they are classified by race, creed or class? If the Government controls all forms of Production, Distribution and Exchange, does it really matter whose name is on the company header? Dead is dead. Discrimination is discrimination. Control is control…. and changing the who and how does not change the basics.

      Look past the slogans, the symbols and the fancy-dress.

      • Mass murder is a really interesting element.

        It seems to have a lot of the same enabling factors, whether policy or organizational, no matter who is murdering whom.

        A would be mass murderer both wants to suppress defensive actors, and motivate a group of fighters to do risky and challenging tasks.

        Suppression of defensive actors may not be very selective. Certainly, a group of fighters carrying out one mass murder may be willing to expand the targeting list.

        There seems to be a philosophy that in general, no matter how deserving specific targets may be, mass murder is too dangerously uncontrollable, and that therefore one should be very sensitive to every related factor. And also be extremely deliberate and cautious in what politics one supprots, and how far. With an eye for policy in real practice, not what the official party truth of policy is.

        Official party truth is always that policy is good and intelligent, and will have results that pay off costs.

        I may be overly cynical when it comes to RoI of government policy. But, how would we know that it is not all different degrees of destructive?

  9. All- Thanks, and interesting takes on it. And yes, ‘isms’ are always suspect, also true is the KKK was a democrat idea/function to keep the blacks down. Boats, I hear what you say, but they don’t care… sigh

  10. When (or if) this gets out, I’m sure it’ll do wonders for recruitment. Eyeroll emoji

    But when has reality trumped ideology?

  11. Dear Lord. Please. Make. It. Stop.

    One of the best things about DEI is force lethality.

    Yes, the enemy dies laughing.

  12. The Left / Right dichotomy has never explained the similarities and differences in US and world politics to me.
    Soviet Communism and German NAZIsm were both aggressive totalitarian regimes who were enemies because each wanted sole control of the world.
    The model I use is like a target, centered by totalitarianism of whatever variety, with anarchy at the outside, and the various types of governments, or methods of selecting them at North, South, East, and West.
    The primary differences are whether the people within the system or country are recognized as individual citizens with rights and responsibilities, or only as members of interest groups / collectives with or without individual rights, duties, or powers.
    The collective views seem more associated with zero sum politics and economies, with competition between groups used to control all the groups, and an authoritarian central government, of whatever type it may be.
    American government as initiated was different in principle, in that the power of the State governments was derived from the initial consent of the people, rather than derived from the grant of a king or from God, and the power of that government was limited by the requirement to protect the rights of the individual citizens. That has been eroded by government agents taking powers beyond their authority for reasons which may have seemed necessary or like a good idea at the time, and often hidden by the use or misuse of words.

    • As a matter of history, the American founders did not create the idea of individual value and consent-of-the-governed, ex nihilo. (Out of Nothing).

      They very much did appeal to the doctrine that Rights were “endowed by their creator”, partly because it was what they were accustomed to, and partly because its the only model that justifies Rights as innate, “inalienable” and not just a matter of political convenience and acceptability.

      The Rights of citizens to liberty, to be armed, and to government-by-consent were part of English Common Law before America existed. The difference was that the English had also experienced anarchy, and their experience was that anarchy was worse than most forms of centralised government. They’d spent centuries working it out in practice and dealing with the necessary compromises.

      The idea that you can just start again with a clean sheet of paper….. well the French tried that and got “The Terror”. The Russians tried it and got the Iron Curtain.