First up is the latest from Raconteur Press- Moggie Noir
Click the cover for the Amazon link!
The blurb-
The question remains whether you should tuck into this volume in a comfy chair for a bit of adventure. Well, if you like cats, there’s more than a little of something you love in the pages or pixels herein because, instead of a bland all-two-legger cast, these stories feature felines as central or pivotal characters. If you are a fan of noir fiction, you’ll enjoy how these authors have explored this genre and maybe stretched the bounds of what you find familiar. Some are set in the 1930s, some are present day, and some are who-knows-when.
After all, who better than a cat might convey the contradictions of a ruthless killer enrobed in the most exquisite package of sumptuous fur with glittering emerald eyes? No one, see? Cats are the ultimate expression of the noir aesthetic, and we hope you will agree, but fasten your seatbelts: it’s going to be a bumpy read.
Next up is Sam Robb and the gang at Alpha Mercs with their first anthology-
The blurb-
Jethro Tull has an amazing discography, spanning everything from folk music to heavy metal. Over the past 50 years, their music has influenced generations of artists working in a variety of media.
Here, a dozen science fiction authors have spun their own Tull-inspired yarns. So belly up to the bar somewhere out among the stars. Grab yourself a drink, and settle in for some colorful tales from our minstrels in the galaxy. Stories of things that could have been, things that might have been…and of things that should have been, but never were.
Good reads, go enjoy the stories and the flights of fancy!
Picked up Moggie Noir on Thursday. Still reading “Giant Freakin’ Robots” so I’ll get to this when I work my way through the queue.
I love that a bunch of authors wanted to pay homage to Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull with “Minstrels in the Galaxy”. I think I’m going to have to pick that one up on principle. Thanks for mentioning it!
Ag- You’re welcome!