It’s past time…

To drain the DC swamp…

If he is reelected this November, will Donald Trump manage to drain the swamp this time? The swamp-dwellers are saying no.

Ever since he began his first run for president, Trump has famously vowed to drain the swamp, that is, clear out the far-left bureaucracy in Washington that bears so much responsibility for the leftward drift of the nation over the last decade and a half. 


According to a new survey, fully 54% of “federal government managers would defy voters to do what they want.” The Napolitan Institute, which states that “we recognize that the only legitimate authority for government comes from the consent of the governed,” and that “our mission is to amplify and magnify the voice of the American people so clearly and powerfully that it becomes the driving, framing and shaping force for the crucial conversations of our nation,” conducted a survey of 500 swamp denizens, aka federal bureaucrats.

Full article, HERE from PJ Media.

I literally don’t have the words for what I want to say, since this is a ‘family’ blog…


Tar and feathers is sounding better and better, just sayin…


It’s past time… — 23 Comments

  1. The first act Trump should do is cut off the funds from these leftist beaureaucrats. Without a budget they then must be fired from their positions and the agencies they now control should be closed down. This would return the country to the type of Federal Government the founders pictured. This also would reduce the deficit our country is facing.

    • The House would pass a funding bill without his approval. Reduce the deficit? do you know what the amount of the national debt is? or how many CR have been put in place as substitute for an annual budget?

  2. At the risk of sounding defeatist, there are too many circles within circles for an effective reduction in the swamp. From the 3 and 4 letter agencies to the state dept, defense contractor companies, Military, lobbyists, et al, there are too many taps on the federal bank account, not to mention the various states getting grants or whatever. Yes, there can be some reduction, but will that be enough to matter? We will find out soon enough.

  3. Surveys are only as good as methodology, and honesty of respondents.

    Actual forecasting, and estimation of necessary remedy, is tricky partly because we are looking at both theatrics, and also the things which theatrics alone cannot change.

    This period of time is a time when a lot of people find a little theatrics a bit necessary, for that final bit of shaping the election environment. I’m not sure that people are actually that likely to respond to the next couple months or so much more than they would to 2020 to last month.

    2020, 2021, …, october 7 2023, …, and june, july, and august of 2024 had a few clarifying moments.

    “The die is cast” has implications I absolutely do not mean, but I think that everyone has made a bunch of choices, and best efforts, with uncertain results. I think we have our choice of ways to predict those results, but a lot of confounding because ‘everyone’ knows all of those methods, and some folks are trying to game every single one. I think the only practical resolution is waiting, testing against reality, and if needed adjusting actions for later iterations.

    I’m basically feeling an ensemble of I dunno, and we shall see.

  4. Trump in his first term was slowed greatly by the impeachments and investigations for nothing promoted by Hillary. Trump started by moving the Department of Agriculture out of DC to Colorado and this caused many to leave. This was a way for Trump to lower the admin’s agencies by moving them out of DC.

    In the next Term Trump will move people from one agency to another and clearing out useless agencies, such as AFT to Border Patrol. Then it will be removing agencies such as Department of Education.

  5. Trump will have to be ruthless. It’s the only way, and he needs to keep his head on a swivel. When the minions realize nobody has their back, they’ll beg to give evidence for immunity.

  6. More and more, I feel the only way to curb said bureaucracies is to go into them on Day 1 and shoot every upper-management bureaucrat

    Maybe do an upside-down decimation. Kill 9 out of 10.

    Do a complete forensic audit of any upper management. Seize their assets, break into their homes, terrorize their families at 5am like they’ve done to us.

    Getting really tired of this garbage. I have lost any trust in any bureaucrat. Well, I trust them to screw us as much as possible.

  7. We are way past the point of legal, peaceful methods to address the evil infesting government. And every day brings further proof of that ugly reality. The criminals in power HAVE NO intent on allowing us to remove them from power and will do quite literally anything to prevent that from happening.

  8. trump will never get the chance. its done and over. we are toast. after the fake election will come the reckoning. either we take it, and cement our status as slaves forever, or we rebel. keep in mind that to break the swamp we will make millions of people into paupers facing starvation. retirees like myself and social security recipients that earned a check, that at this age can’t “get a job”. even so, i aim to misbehave. nobody lives forever.

  9. As a gubmint worker for 39 years, find myself hamstrung by the upper echelon in the state I work for. The Gubner Kotex gets to decide everything. But if I have an opinion on a biological subject,I’m to have no opinion and remain neutral. Sounds lke censorship to me.

  10. Dan- sadly, I can’t say I disagree.

    River- You do have a good point!

    Sarth- I hear you! Friends of mine who were ‘in’ government have all ‘retired’ rather than tilt at those windmills endlessly.

  11. During the period of Hapanese industrial expansion, and “lifetime employment”, they still had people who were both incompetent and unfireable.
    Their solution was a “window looking job”. A desk, a check, no work, and no phone. They had to be there all day, every day, or quit.
    For unfireable bureaucrats, such a job, in a major blue city other than DC might work.
    The other choices, MORBARK, feet first, or rope and lamp post, some assembly required, would be faster and more certain, but …

  12. Listening to someone who worked in his administration during the first term…

    Trump gave too many positions to “supporters” who thought that their role was to “manage” the President in order to get their agenda followed.

    In some ways, it sounds like the Deep State, with different faces.

    Those of you with a military background understand that positions should not go to “supporters”, but to people that you can point at a problem, tell them the required outcome….. and trust them to get it done.
    I’m not sure that Trump knows how to do that.

  13. Trump at this point ought to have a list made up , by name , who goes who stays , who goes where ….Seems like last time he took a lot of bad advice . Jeff Sessions , and his recusal , comes to mind , that was really pivotal in bringing about bad events , Bolton was a terrible pick for Nat sec advsr . He needs to get away from retreads that’s for sure . But how does he replace careerists , that wield much power , even in their little universe . Hell several weeks back Pompeo took a leading role in a Kyivstar , a Ukraine telecom company . There is just so much muck to be scooped out . It is ingrained in the system , it is just dirty up in D.C. The NGO’S do the dirty work internationally , look at Samantha Power , so many NGO’s , National Endowment for Democracy , USAID …It is a mess , and a monumental task , so many little tyrants , nepotism . On a white board ,just the familial connections alone between agencies would look like a spider web . How many agencies overlap in responsibility , look at the backs of windbreakers at a plane crash , how many difft agencies show up. Tons of desk riders , cruising to a pension . I once picked up and hauled a load of ice for FEMA , got it in Houston , went to Arkansas sat for 3 days , finally told to head south , ended up in Loxley Alabama , parked at a county road repair site for two days, then went to a city park where trucks had ice , water , and MRE’s , the FEMA Rep showed up in an RV, had no idea what to do , and acted like he had never seen his own paperwork before , completely lost. They were paying the truck I think it was 600.00 bucks a day to sit, and the Natl Guard was coming by to fill up the diesel tank on the reefer and tractor , finally the FEMA person unloaded all the ice , after handing out half , and left the pallets melting in the Alabama sun as I pulled out . The Government is truly good at messing things up that is for sure. Fixes …shoot man…Big Task.

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