I think they’re pissed…

They tried to steal it. They failed. It was a weird dynamic where this event in Pennsylvania’s Senate race was shocking but also not too surprising given liberal America’s penchant for engaging in election shenanigans when results don’t go their way. Republican Dave McCormick defeated incumbent Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), but he refused to concede. Even with no path given how much vote is left and how provisional ballots land, with most being rejected due to not meeting the benchmark requirements for authenticity, McCormick’s lead was viewed by both Republicans and Democrats as insurmountable. Most of the outstanding ballots were in red counties, like Cambria. It was over, but Casey and lawyer Marc Elias were finding ways to steal it.

Full article, HERE, from Town Hall.

After Bucks Co, PA and a couple of other counties said they were going to count the illegal votes regardess of what the PA Supreme Court said…

The PA Supreme Court has ruled: STOP counting the illegal mail-in ballots.

Now we’ll see if those counties will once again flaunt the Supreme Court…

This one is stunning, simply because of the blatancy of the steal, not only by the counties, but by Casey and his lawyer. Even if the illegal votes all go for him, there aren’t enought outstanding (from what I’ve heard), to overcome the numbers McCormick put up, but I can’t help but wonder if ‘other’ votes might have mysteriously ‘switched’…


I think they’re pissed… — 11 Comments

  1. Will the governor actually send in the state police to put an end to this nonsense, or will he turn a blind eye again? These are the idjits who said it’s OK to violate the law to get the court’s attention, so I don’t see them voluntarily giving up.

    • In 2020, we had Tom Wolf, who was so blatantly partisan and corrupt that even Philadelphia and the teachers unions told him to “knock that [BLEEP!] off. Now we have Josh Shapiro who, while still a Dem, appears to believe very much in following the law and the direction of the courts. Granted, as our AG he enforced Wolf’s ridiculous lockdown mandates with a ruthless vengeance…right up until the State Supreme Court struck them down. So it will be interesting to see what he does.

      • And no sooner do I post that then I check the news and see that Shapiro is indeed standing with the State Supreme Court’s ruling. Whether or not he’ll actually do anything to enforce the ruling remains to be seen, but I’m cautiously optimistic.

  2. I live in western PA and can tell you that Bob Casey rode his fathers coattails to get elected but he is not the man his father was. All Junior did and was a yes vote for abortion and any other garbage the democrat leaders put forward. Bob Casey Senior is probably rolling over in his grave with what his son has done to the family name and to the country he loved.

  3. I grew up in Bucks county and lived there most of the first 40 years of my life. The GOP has a razor thin majority but would be considered RINO’s here in KY. Both parties play hard ball with the Philly spill over being Democrats and upper part of the county Republican.

    I don’t know but can the PA Supreme Court send the PA State police to arrest the county commissioner for fraud or contempt? They all ready smacked her bottom for closing the election sites early.

    +1 John Watson. The son is a poor replacement for his dad.

  4. PA Supreme Court issued a King’s Bench ruling. They can send State Police or constables to arrest any and all involved parties and bring them to Harrisburg (SC’s convenience) for trial. If they’re unlucky, they get stowed with the ODC.

  5. Why would liberals stop cheating? They NEVER suffer any consequences for doing so. Till that reality changes expect the fraud to continue.

  6. To paraphrase Uncle Joe, how many divisions does the PA Supreme Court have?