It’s probably a good thing…

The Brits can’t own guns. Especially with the reports finally coming out about the Pakis and others…

Just a few short months ago, members of the U.K.’s Labour Party were in America, campaigning for Kamala Harris. That sure felt like election interference to us, but Prime Minister Keir Starmer said it’s ‘totally normal’ for the Brits to meddle in our elections.

What’s not normal is all the horrific news coming out surrounding ‘grooming gangs’ in the U.K. — and how the government aided, abetted, and covered up for these gangs. The gangs were comprised of Pakistani men (and other nationalities), and their victims were often white British girls. Some as young as 12 or 13 years old. And it’s not fair to call them ‘grooming gangs’ — they raped, abused, and threatened their victims.

While authorities looked the other way as often as they could. Because they didn’t want to be seen as ‘racist.’

Now the Labour Party is blocking an investigation into the massive scandal, to protect the bad actors. Including Keir Starmer himself.

Full article, HERE from Twitchy. And HERE from the BBC.

If something like that had been going on here, there would have bodies on the floor a LONG time ago.

As a father of two daughters, I cannot imagine the families of these girls NOT taking some kind of action, but I know the ‘culture’ over there and the fear of appearing to be racists/islamophobia has become a driver in the U.K. in the last 20 years.

Still, this is just beyond the pale, and I can only say a prayer for the girls and their families, and am glad that the major perps are at least getting long prison sentences…



It’s probably a good thing… — 23 Comments

  1. Europeans of old that defeated the Muslim hoards are spinning in their graves. Europe has been defeated. What makes the loss all the more pathetic is not only was there no fight to prevent it, the invasion was welcomed and facilitated. Anyone with at least two functioning brain cells can see the similarity to the situation here.

  2. I sure hope that something like that would not be tolerated by the dads in this country. It doesn’t look like we can depend upon our enforcement agencies a whole lot more than they can in the UK though. After all, it is pretty clear that there are more than 300,000 unaccompanied minors that have come into this country that can’t be found.

    Probably they are not all being trafficked, but you can be sure that many of them have been lost in the sex-traffic world.

  3. The U.K. does not listen to their public , and now under penalty of Law silences them . Brexit wasn’t much of an exit. “Sir” Starmer should suffer degradation and lose his title and knighthood for civil service . Maybe Farage will make a foothold . The people of Britain seem to be a quite proud people being beat down .

    American neocons blather on about Russia wanting to takeover Europe , “why the fuck would they?” , it would be like taking in a whole flock of dysfuntional in laws, with their whole extended adopted families of even more dysfunctional immigrant refugees… to what gain ?

    The more Europe tries to solve things the more they fuck up. You’d think soon enough they would look down at their bloody foot and stop shooting it .

    And oh yeah , “Free Tommy Robinson!!!” !

  4. Normally I’m not one to advocate vigilante justice, but in this instance, decorating lamp post with these bastards seems like a reasonable response.

  5. Hey Old NFO

    yeah its pretty disgusting, and I can’t see it going on here, even in the big blue cities, the news would get out and there would be outraged dads “losing their religion, pardon the southernism” but let 20 more years of “wokism” take root here and I too can see it happening. As far as Britain goes…for some reason Kipling comes to mind, don’t ask me why….

  6. That lack of guns and a willingness to use them in emergency is the real problem.

  7. As I understand it, 2 fathers did try to intervene and got arrested and jailed.

    Argentina should try the Falklands again. I don’t think Britain would lift a finger this time.

  8. We ought to sweep up the gangs here in the US, imprison, execute, or deport as appropriate, and covertly ship any confiscated weapons to any brave Brits willing to liberate themselves from tyranny.

  9. Be aware this isn’t new. It has been known about by the public, and ignored by “the authorities” (all Labour of course) for more than a decade. It has been going on for far longer than that

  10. “Grooming” my ass. Much like “Minor Attracted Person” instead of pedophile. The British Isles need to have their football hooligans take control as it is blatantly obvious their “elites” are spineless enablers.

  11. Remember that the best part of the population died in two world wars and their aftermath. What was left were mostly the dregs of a formerly great nation.
    And in this country can you say “transgendering children”? e.g.: see education departments, medical groups and the demoncrat party

    • That’s about the only area the UK is doing better than the US right now – banning “transition” of minors. Though hopefully the laws against it here in the US survive the court challenges.

  12. All- Agreed! And yes, this is NOT new, but the fact that people are finally getting real jail time IS new. Mike- Also a couple of mothers got arrested too. Grrrr…

  13. You get what you will tolerate. And the subjects of FORMERLY great Britain seem willing to tolerate anything. So they will continue to be abused.

  14. Mr. NFO, you must understand that all those votes don’t come cheap. Surely you’re not questioning that?

    PS. Brits do have ways around the gun ban but that’s another story 🙂

  15. The raping of children in Britain by migrant invaders has been known for decades, and the information suppressed by their .gov for control, and by their news outlets because so many of their “names” are doing the same things.
    Their media has supported laws that criminalize complaints about being a victim of crime, and resistance to criminal attacks.
    Self defense is no longer permitted (homeowner subject of an armed home invasion, with a machete, convicted for resisting with a screwdriver), and others arrested for “hate speech” for posts made 3+ years before the laws were passed.
    The outrage now is not because this happened, rather because Musk made a point of complaining about it, and brought it to the attention of the BBC viewing British public.
    Tommy Robinson is their “two minutes hate” subject used to frighten the proles into submission.
    The missing, enslaved, exploited, and murdered children here are not an issue because the public news ignores them, while trumpeting the arrest of those who resist, without revealing what they were resisting or why.
    Many of us still believe in our law enforcement agencies at street level.
    When that is no longer true, the wheels come off.

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