It’s not supposed to rain or snow..
But the cold nights are gonna suck!
And our electric bills went up 1 Jan, so it’s also going to be an expensive week!
I know this isn’t really ‘cold’ to those up north, but we’re not set up for this.
I’ma gonna be curled up with a computer and a heater, with a LARGE cup of coffee…
Single digit lows predicted for my part of the mid-Atlantic Mon-Wed. I think I’ll do some online browsing for southern real estate.
I’d love to have weather like that right now. We’re staying below freezing until at least Wednesday.
As of 07:00 on 1/19
21 below zero.
37 below wind chill.
North Minnesota near the Canada border.
This is the weather I like.
Can no longer handle heat, anything over 70.
Use to live in Houston.
We got your snow in SO Ky.
Single digits at night and 20 degrees cooler than normal for this time of year.
Such is life.
I’m in west Ky. 22 degrees now and no snow on the ground. Closer to Il. state line.
We’ll be five, to six, degrees higher than your location, but tomorrow night will bring some freezing precipitation that should last until Tuesday afternoon. The highways that rarely have snow will be full of those that should stay home.
Fearing we had lost our country to the Socialists, this will be an emotional weekend for us. SO GLAD we are retired, because we have the ability to sit at home and watch history unfold while bundled up in our recliners with an adult beverage close at hand.
Peace through strength, PLEASE.
All- Yes, I’m whining… I’ve FULLY acclimatized to Texas (e.g. warmth) Y’all stay safe!
GB- Agreed!
I wish it would warm up to what you are forecasted to have. Here in western PA it is supposed to be low 0! I remember we used to get this kind of weather when I was a kid but the past few years have been very mild until this winter. But you deal with what you have. Snowing so bad and the roads are all iced up that it took me a half hour to drive home from Church that usually takes no more than 10 minutes. Tomorrows high is supposed to be minus 3 to 4 degrees.
3.5 hours NNW from Jim, it is 22F with a wind chill of “ain’t looking.” Some snow on the ground, both old from a week ago, and fresh from yesterday. Low of 8F this AM, forecast to stay below freezing until Tuesday late afternoon (optimists). Then highs in the 40s, lows in the low 20s.
This used to be normal winter around here (until the early 2000s), then it got a touch warmer in winter. I suspect the pattern is reverting back to the dreaded average.
Along the Front Range north of Denver, we’ve had a mild winter, had being the operative word. Now we are just above zero and will be for several days. Back to dripping faucets, cabinet doors left open, and down filled jackets for the duration of this Arctic Blast.
Being retired, I don’t need to go out in this if I don’t want.
-3 this morning, right now 11, windy and a wind chill of -4.
Tomorrow pretty much the same, then Tuesday a bit colder, wed we warm up a degree or so.
Cold, but not killer cold.
(Not that I am gonna go outside unless I have to, mind you)
I’ve seen 25 degrees colder than this in this area, so it is just cold, not even close to records.
We had minus nine last night. Supposed to be colder tonight. Very good night to have a fire, watch a movie, and snuggle up on the couch!
John- At least you made it home safe!
TXRed- As long as we stay above 0, I can survive it. I’m more worried about frozen pipes.
WSF- Agreed!
B- Dayum! We’re setting records with lows down here.
Ditto on the pipes. We have two that are not insulated or heat-taped, or both. One at each end of RedQuarters, of course. *sigh*
Supposed to be 6 with a wind chill of -4 when I go to work on Tuesday. Yeah. Whee. Joy.
The dreaded Polar Vortex. If only you’d paid your weather tax.
It’s ok, we get to chuckle and snigger when the Northerners complain about the temps hitting 80.
Knew an older gentleman in Houston who wouldn’t leave the house if it was under 70. I hope I don’t get that bad when I’m older.
Your forecast lows are about the same as our forecast highs in our corner of Ohio. As for not being set up for it, Pensacola, FL is expecting snow and ice.
February 2014, the New York Times published an editorial titled “The End of Snow?”
This is why they went from “global warming” to “climate change”. Never mind that it goes back and forth, they will presumably soon be writing articles about how the unseasonably cold temperatures are the fault of those who refuse to bow to the Gods of Climate Change.
Wanna hear lies? Seek you a “climate scientist.”
Wanna have a good idea of actual climate trends? Find a solar physicist.
Yeah, it’s colder in The Frozen North… but that’s plenty cold for place un-used to it. This is a GREAT time to make those things that just happen to require a long time in a hot oven.
And remember, if you imbibe, deal with the Great Outdoors and such, THEN partake in the Warm(er) Indoors.
Snow coming in tonight through mid-Tuesday morning, then sunny and warming up again. It’s cold, but nothing resembling the Panhandle. The area immediately around us lost power this morning; it came back by noon. Not concerned about power; just hoping local water company learned its lesson. Got bathrub on drip and collecting that water for flushing, just in case.
It’s all gonna be over by tomorrow evening, then back up into the 50s/60s — normal winter here.