Miscellaneous Guy Stuff

Well, since I had no where to go this weekend, and the weather has been pretty nice, I talked a friend into playing Golf yesterday, except that he had also been invited to go Dove hunting… so we ended up … Continue reading

Random Stuff…

Diamondback Rattler Found at Edwards Air Force base- Don’t ya know that sucker would feed a family of four, or give you 32 hat bands… What is going on in this Country???? By Associated Press 1 hour ago COLORADO SPRINGS, … Continue reading

Leaders and Leadership

What is leadership? What does it mean? Who do you consider a leader? lead·er·ship (lē‘dər-shĭp’) n. 1. The process of leading. 2. Those entities that perform one or more acts of leading. 3. The ability to affect human behavior so … Continue reading

Pilots will like this one… (Correction)

My bad- I didn’t backcheck the origin of the video. This is an interesting little video clip shot from a T-44 with an F-16 HUD doing a night approach into Aspen, CO using FLIR (Forward Looking InfaRed). What you are … Continue reading

It’s HOT…

Well, the Beltway is melting today… It was 95 degrees at 1000 when we teed off this morning and it only got worse. By the 9th hole, it was 97, and when we finished at 1400, it was 99. Of … Continue reading


Picked this up from Public Ponderings, a Soldier getting ready to go back to Iraq lost everything in a house fire- In Camden, TN On July the 16th of 2007 the family home of a U.S. soldier serving in Iraq … Continue reading


Some days it doesn’t pay to fall outta bed… Left five minutes later than normal for work- Of course, traffic is an absolute bitch… Get there fifteen minutes late. Sigh… Those who work for Uncle know about network and remote … Continue reading

The Bird Feeder

I wish I could take credit, but I didn’t write it… The Bird Feeder A man bought a bird feeder. He hung it on his back porch and filled it with seed. Within a week he had hundreds of birds … Continue reading

Sea and Air Power at it’s best

The Navy and Air Force just finished a big exercise in the Western Pacific- Here is the graduation picture 🙂 And yes, that really is a B-52 in the center of the flight formation and this year marks the B-52’s … Continue reading

ERnursey – A very interesting Blog

ERnursey – An emergency room nurse blog: Strange things found in various places. I was rolling on the floor at this one! This is another keeper of a blog. … Continue reading