Screaming at the TV again…

I get SO damn tired of listening to the ‘so called’ experts… There are THREE and only three ways to present things-  Facts (hard, provable, documented, etc.), pseudo-facts (maybe true, depending on ‘interpretation’) and speculations (wild ass guesses)… The 24 … Continue reading


I’ve been watching my blog pretty closely the last couple of weeks, and I’ve been averaging about 8-10 spams a day, and maybe ONE a week on my Gmail acct.  Well, after putting up that non-PC thoughts post, I got … Continue reading

Gee, I ‘Wonder’ who I believe…

It appears the Prez is too busy trying to mitigate the feud between the Idol hosts to get his facts right…From CNS News- President Barack Obama said on Thursday that “we got back every dime we used to rescue the financial … Continue reading