Follow-up to appeasment and flog…er golf…

Well, the democraps continue to spew hate and discontent…

One wonders how this will allow B. Hussein to “demonstrate” his foreign policy credentials as promised by his campaign? Is he going to talk the terrorists to death?


And McCain is being accused of a “cheap shot” and “negative” campaigning for agreeing with President Bush… Does anyone else see just a wee tiny credibility gap here, or is it just me?

The more I see or don’t see of the democrap policies, both foreign and domestic, the more worried I become about where we might end up if they are elected! These folks are absolutely scary; they actually believe their own press releases!

Anyhoo, I finally got a chance to play golf with my new clubs yesterday…

First and foremost, I am NOT a good golfer, I’m your average hacker. Having said that, it was pretty stoopid of me to go play a very narrow golf course that had not cut the rough in a week (think 5 inches high, multiple lost balls and wedges to ‘try’ to get back in the fairway) and with wind blowing 20+ miles an hour…

For those that don’t play, golf (or flog) depends on which swing shows up, the one you spent all that money for, or the baseball swing you learned as a six year old…

Golf courses by their nature are an exercise in self-flagellation, even on a good day; much less a bad day. When you throw in new clubs, it gets even more interesting (or funnier if you are watching).

First hole, a little ‘fade’ on the driver (translation- that sucker took off for the right rough like a scalded dog)… Hmm, ankle deep grass, everybody looking, no golf ball. Okay, drop and hit three- Thick, wet rough grabs the club head and off to the other side of the fairway we go. I’m playing military golf- left, right, left, right…

Meanwhile my playing partner is accusing me of screwing up his swing because he’s laughing so hard at me…


So it goes… it gets a little better, and I actually hit a couple of fairways, but inevitably, I’m either long or short on the approaches (you are supposed to ‘know’ how far you can hit your irons)…

Finally get to the 9th hole, it’s uphill, with a 20 mph cross wind- Woods on the right, parking lot with a whole bunch of expensive cars on the left. I aim for the woods, and miracle of miracles, hit one straight… Wind brings it back and lands in the middle of the green! Where I promptly three putt %$^^&*….

Oh well, half way done, grab a dog and turn down a beer (not that it can get much worse), and press on.

More military golf, but I’m at least finding the golf ball (for better or worse). I actually tried to hit one shot out of the wet rough where my feet slipped and I just barely caught the bottom of the ball with the top of the iron and it landed six feet behind me, thanks to the wind…

On the 15th hole, another fade to the right, as I get up near where the ball took off, I see a car sitting there. O.M.G. I’ve hit a car and busted something… Instead the guys says he saw my ball rolling back down the road toward the creek! So off we go, 200 yards in the wrong direction, sure nuff, there sits the ball at the bottom of the hill, at least 50 yards BEHIND where I teed off from… Lovely, just $%^* lovely!

Thanks to a well placed tree and a bank shot, I survive that hole only 2 over par…

Finally get to the 18th hole, par 4 uphill, into the wind. As usual, in the rough, but to the left this time. Hit a good iron shot out of the rough, and up the hill we go! Two balls on the green, one in the sand trap, no fourth ball… Of course, it’s mine that is missing…


I’m picking up, I tell the rest of the group, having had enough for one day.

My partner goes over to pull the pin for the putts, starts laughing and yells at me to come back to the green; low and behold, sitting in the cup is my Titleist 8 for a Eagle 2 on the final hole!!!

Guess I’ll be back next week!

Oh yeah, the little old lady playing in the foursome with us beat me by six strokes… sigh…


Follow-up to appeasment and flog…er golf… — 11 Comments

  1. At least all the walking, especially up and down the hill, is good exercise. ;P””’

    I’d get too impatient. Golf would not be good for my health. I tried learning how to drive the ball once (already a good putter–Scottish genes), and I was angry because my first time out I was hitting line drives a couple hundred feet instead of homeruns. Well, I was frustrated and decided I didn’t have the patience for it (and the doctor who was teaching me dumped me for a nurse).

    So off we go, 200 yards in the wrong direction, sure nuff, there sits the ball at the bottom of the hill, at least 50 yards BEHIND where I teed off from… Lovely, just $%^* lovely!

    Metaphor for my life. HA!

  2. NFO- That is the hardest I’ve laughed in days. I feel like I shouldn’t be laughing, but I just. can’t. stop.

  3. RT- There are so many metaphors in golf it’s not funny 🙂

    Snigs- My partner said it was the best laugh(s) he’d had in a month or two…

  4. I am so glad there are people out there using all of the golf course – not just the tee and the green, rough need a little love and attention, too. You have done well, and will continue to do better – being humble doesn’t really hurt, being prideful and having to settle for humble does.

  5. Im a minature golfer! (Leaving it wide open for short jokes and such). I tried to learn the art of “the drive” but fell “short” on so many tries that I was “reduced” to playing on the minature golf courses! I am able to maintain a respectable score, sometimes even obtaining the coveted “free game” by making a hole in one on the last hole. Should I venture onto a “real” golf course I’m sure I wouldn’t make it past the first swing of the club!

  6. Earl- Humble is my middle name on the course 🙂 and in life too! There is ALWAYS someone who is better than you, regardless of how good you are (even Tiger gets beaten occasionally).

    FF and Admiral- I’m seriously considering going back to putt-putt, at least there I only have one club to screw up with 🙂

  7. I am a putt putt golfer also.
    One of my best friends siad he was a goofer. I said you mean golfer.He said the way I play it is more like goofing than golf.But I have fun.

  8. If you’re going to berate the political opposition for spewing hate, at least have the decency to call them by their real names, by using a derrogatory slur on their name, you only make yourself look a complete hypocrite.

    As for cheap shots, I’ve seen them from all sides, but I’d say Clinton has been the worst, McCain has been spared the task of attacking Obama in many cases because Clinton does it for him.

    Incidentally, Obama was forced into responding this way because Clinton wouldn’t let up, remember in the beginning when he REALLY REALLY tried to be the “better man” by not going personal?

    Btw, I’m not American, but I like Obama because he’s the least warmongering type, you guys should ease up on that a bit, you’re the ones causing the terrorist situation, fanning the flames, it’s getting a bit much, and would it kill you to actually start putting some pressure on Israel so a start on dealing with the root of the problem becomes possible?

  9. Mikael- Thanks for an alternate view point. We, the US, did not declare a jihad on Islam, nor did we “start” the war on terror. Killing American service personnel has been going on for over 20 years, by terrorist of various stripes. In talking to the Saudis, their Imams started the jihad ball rolling because we were in Saudi helping to get oil out of the ground (ARAMCO by name).

    We sold them airplanes and other equipment and were training the Saudi military and THAT is what provoked the Imams.

    Should we desert our allies in that region and the other locations? How about Japan, Korea, Australia? Should we desert them too? Invalidate all the treaties we have signed? Then who comes in? Russia? China? India?

    I agree that we need to do something, but at the same time, we do NOT want to fight the terrorist here.