This article appears in today’s WAPO
President Unicorn signed out an Executive Order Tuesday to create the National Declassification Center, which will oversee efforts to make once-secret government documents public.
Among other things, PU instructs the government not to keep secrets forever, eliminates the ability of intelligence officials to veto declassification decisions, and requires agencies to conduct reviews of their classification procedures.
This from an administration that promised ‘transparency’ and is about as transparent as… well, this is a family friendly blog…
What REALLY scares me is the part about not letting those who’s job it is, e.g. the career Intel types who ACTUALLY know what they are doing, overrule these bureaucrats who are going to be in this declassification center…
An example- 10 year old procedures or practices that still work, or might lead to rolling up a network in ‘some’ country. and it’s forced to be declass’ed because it’s “old”…
When Slick Willie was in, they routinely left classified material laying around in offices, and many of the staff STILL did not have security clearances when he finally departed the White House… And how many secrets did they give away???
All I can say is this does NOT bode well for our National Security in the future, and as far as I’m concerned is a step to MAJOR security violations…
Look at the bright side .. At least they ” codified ” handing out sensitive info where we know to expect it , unlike the clintons who did it in a haphazard and disorganized fashion .
I agree. The transparency between the ears of the annointed one (I kinda like “President Unicorn”) is the only real transparency we’re gonna see.
We already have a clearinghouse for doing the job of the “declassification center” … actually we have several! But it’s a money pit and another Department of Redundancy Department for Zero to say he’s created jobs … nice, cushy, GOVERNMENT jobs. sheesh!
Maybe some of our brighter intelligence types can use this to disseminate useful disinformation? Done properly, our enemies won’t trust anything they are reading. Just a thought.
Gee, it’s almost like they are TRYING to bring down the nation from within.
WV: “defen” The start of “defense” or “defend” (a concept lost on our Leviathan Masters: or. alternately, ebonicized hearing loss…
FD- Don’t get me started… sigh…
RWL- Yeah, dammit… and the clearing house IS staffed with professionals.
WSF- We should be so lucky!
New- Sadly, I can’t disagree…
Every. Frikkin’. Day.
This is particularly galling if you’ve ever been involved in collecting this info, or gotten your butt chewed over an inadvertent “security breech”.
Happy New Year, NFO and all the posters here.
Rick- BTDT… sigh…
Let’s start with the Obama Administration FIRST. Let’s DEMAND transparency THERE.