Women vs. Engineers…

Got this from an engineer buddy who has NOT been having any luck with the ladies…

He sent me this after his second divorce, and he said he’s now to the point of just finding a woman he doesn’t like and buying her a house if he starts thinking about getting married again…

And this one is, I think, a bit optimistic… Just sayin…

Y’all have a good week, and try to stay cool…

Got this one from a friend in Texas, apparently it was 105 out there today…


Women vs. Engineers… — 22 Comments

  1. I cannot argue the logic on your engineers figures! Thanks, I needed that!

    I am whipped so I get to go to work tomorrow at the “real job” and rest up from the weekend, right?

  2. Amen brother!

    But I was smart this time around. I found a woman who already owned a house, so I didn’t have to buy her one.

  3. If your friend in Texas is blessed with just 105 degrees, I want to be where (s)he is. 110.6 in the shade on my porch just yesterday.

  4. Don’t work harder, work smarter.

    I did the same as Daddybear. I just found me a woman who already has a house, plus makes good money.

    I just say “Yes ma’am!” alot.

  5. My sister is always commenting that I don’t understand why I’m not married. I understand what the engineer is saying; that’s why I’m not married.

    ML Everything you say, and everything you do, will be wrong. Since you can’t win, just grab a beer, then do what you want.

  6. Murphy –

    The first women you come across after said wrong doing will just assume you did something wrong and still make you pay for it.


  7. Or maybe we give ourselves away some how like being to happy about what we think we got away with….

    Hmmm….. something to think on,

  8. I was telling a co-worker I’d be putting my Air Conditioners in this weekend. He said “Well the Summer is half over, at this point you might as well not bother.”

    I told him it wasn’t my idea, and I had a choice, as a married man, you can be right, or you can be happy.

  9. Murphy –

    I just realized I really didn’t answer the question.
    From a woman’s point of view since there wasn’t a woman there, and you didn’t seek out the nearest woman for her advise before doing said something this puts you in the wrong.
    Even if said something goes ok with no mishaps, there obviously would of been a better out come with a woman involved. Therein lies the wrongness. So saith my handy dandy guide to women think.


    See all clear now,

    I hope this clears up

  10. I’m really tired, guess my brain couldn’t figure out or chose how to close that out. Guess I should of consulted the nearest person of the female persuasion.

    Good nite going to sleep know,

  11. I’ll count myself very lucky. The lovely Mrs North exhibits few if any of the negative characteristics portrayed frequently in poor light and about women in general.

    Perhaps I just don’t bother befriending any women of that type.

    WV: buthun That would be “But Hhhonnnnn….” said pleadingly to fit with the post topic, I guess.

  12. Keads- That works… 🙂

    DB- Smart 🙂

    MB- Dayum… that IS a tad warm, even for Texas!!!

    Matt- Good for you!

    Murph- Of course… BTDT…

    WSF- Meee tooo…. 🙂

    Joshkie- all good points

    PH- 🙂

    Weerd- Point!

    Andy- Thanks, but I’m just passing in along 🙂

    Julie- No comment

    North- Good for you, and yeah, that whine sounds familiar 🙁

    Fuzzy- True dat!!!

  13. hey…Saturday, looks like we’ll be at the NRA range in NoVa around 11:30 or so. interested?