Off day…

Spending time with old friends today, so no free ice cream… Go read the folks on the sidebar, they’re better writers than I am.

Here’s one to frustrate yourself with…

My apologies, apparently I’m too stupid to actually GET a damn video to load right… Here’s the direct link…

h/t JP


Off day… — 13 Comments

  1. This is all I know about posting… hope it’s helpful… Posting is not simply popping up and down atop the horse. The purpose of posting is to stay in rhythm with the horse and to stay out of his way, so he can move forward smoothly.
    To do so, the rider must post on the correct diagonal. The common rule is this: “Rise and fall with the leg on the wall.” What does this mean? When the horse’s outside front leg steps forward, the rider will go up. When the inside front leg moves, the rider will go down.

    Up down, up down. That’s posting!

  2. Brighid- True… But I ‘know’ how to do that… (albiet MANY years ago), it’s that new fangled interwebz thingie that’s driving me nuts… 🙂 Now if you ‘post’ wrong on a horse as a guy, it WILL get your attention…Just sayin… 😀

  3. I could see the video and now i won’t be able to sleep at night… How?
    And if you see any of your friends that look like they would like to meet me, tell’em I said ‘Hi!’
    Enjoy yourself… well… I mean, have a good time.

  4. How the sam hill does this work without making the whole puzzle smaller? How can that happen? Can you use this process for making other things work out the same way?
    Could you do that with a 20 dollar bill? or a pan of brownies?