Soooo True…

This one hits the science nail on the head…


And sometimes I get to sit off to the side, watch and laugh… 🙂

Like today… (needless to say I am NOT making any friends!)


Soooo True… — 13 Comments

  1. Hahaha! Having studied in science that makes me laugh. Sadly, some scientists today get to the amazing results because that is where they want to be not because the testing led them there. When the results turn out to be bs, the next step is publish.

  2. Rev- Yeah, and I sit off to the side injecting reality… Which REALLY pisses em off…

    PH- 🙂

    Woodsterman- Way too often you’re correct!

    Opus- That we do!

    JR- And true too…

    45er- Yep, sigh…

  3. All I learned about science is that she has a female connection and I have a male. And the coupling of those too cause fireworks… and babies… or herpes.