Out of the past…

Sheriff Taylor got it…

Now why can’t the idjits in charge (who are supposedly WELL educated) get it???


h/t Craig

Interesting, this one didn’t post on time either… Seems like a ‘trend’ if it’s even slightly a negative post about the administration, it’s not coming up on time… Go figure… Morning unknown NSA analyst…


Out of the past… — 8 Comments

  1. Some post on time — some don’t. And at the risk of sounding like a tin foil hat type, they seem to be based on topic – according to my unscientific poll.

    I can only hope that the people who want to spy on Obama’s political opponents READ the material on your blog and others that try and set the matter straight. Because you simply can’t rely on the media to do it reliably.

  2. Yes, the characters on that show stated the facts correctly, and told the truth. Too bad it’s a fictional setting, because it seems that’s the only place anyone pays attention to due process & following the law, these days.

    • Of course, it wasn’t until the last season or so you saw a Black resident of this Southern town.
      I’m guessing most of them lived in South Mayberry…



  3. Guffaw, it’s a show that’s the product of its era. We can’t judge that kind of thing by today’s standards. Well, we can, but it’s not really fair.

    This clip ought to be required viewing for EVERY SINGLE person in law enforcement, plus the IRS, plus our president…hell, anyone and everyone in any government job anywhere, for that matter.

    I think a few hundred repetitions of it might sink in, eventually….maybe.

  4. LL- Point!

    Ed- Smartass!!! 🙂

    Rev- True!

    Guffaw/Dirk- See DIrk’s answer, and yes it SHOULD be mandatory viewing!!!

    WSF- I’m hoping…

  5. The ones in charge are what my late grandmother used to call educated idiots. Who are not as smart as they think they are.